Android SDK



The Ravelin Mobile SDKs are critical to our ability to provide informed decisions to our clients.

Like the JavaScript library, the SDK enables:

  • The generation of a unique and persistent device ID (Access The DeviceId).
  • The collection of additional device details
  • Session tracking
  • If relevant to your integration, the encryption of card details

We have two modules/dependencies within the SDK:

  • ravelin-core - Which is used for DeviceId, fingerprinting and tracking activity
  • ravelin-encrypt - for card details encryption

You may choose which functionality of the SDK to use. However, at a minimum, we advise that you use the SDK to generate a reliable device ID and to send the additional device details for your app traffic. Device IDs are critical throughout our fraud prevention tool, especially for use in our graph database. Use ravelin-core for DeviceId, fingerprinting and tracking activity and ravelin-encrypt if using card encryption.

The table below lists the available artefacts:

Artefact Private release version Public release version
ravelin-core 3.0.3 3.1.0+
ravelin-encrypt 3.0.3 3.1.0+

Getting started

Versions 3.1.0+

Before you can integrate with the Ravelin mobile SDK for Android, you will need:

  • Valid API keys which are available in the Ravelin dashboard. See Authentication for where to find these.
  • ravelin-core and ravelin-encrypt are now public and may be accessed without credentials from Ravelin Maven/CloudRepo repository.

Versions 3.0.3 and older

Before you can integrate with the Ravelin mobile SDK for Android, you will need:

  • Valid API keys which are available in the Ravelin dashboard. See Authentication for where to find these.
  • Valid username and password for the private Ravelin Maven/CloudRepo repository.

If you have any questions on getting started, please ask us in your Ravelin support channel on Slack.

Minimum Requirements

The SDK supports a minimum Android API level: 21 - 5.0.0 LOLLIPOP with some exceptions around encryption (see below).

For Encryption:

Encryption, is available only for Android API level: 22 5.1 LOLLIPOP_MR1 and above, where you can use the ravelin-encrypt module which relies on native encryption.

The SDK is primary implemented in Kotlin and is compatible with Kotlin 2.0.20.

Installing the Ravelin Android SDK

There are two methods for installing the Ravelin Android SDK: via Gradle, or manually with a precompiled AAR file. Our preferred method is installation via Gradle, due to its ease of maintenance. In case you still prefer to install the SDK manually, make sure to also append its dependencies (described in Bundled libraries).

Installing via Gradle

Please note that the following setup is basic and doesn’t include buildSrc configurations, version catalogs or convention plugins.

Versions 3.1.0+

Both ravelin-core and ravelin-encrypt are public since version 3.1.0 and may be accessed without the use of credentials. The artefacts may be imported from a maven repository as shown below:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        /* other repositories */
        maven {

The next step is to add the dependencies in the Module level build.gradle (build.gradle.kts) add Ravelin to the app dependencies:


dependencies {
    /* Other dependencies */
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-core:6.0.0'
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-encrypt:6.0.0'

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {
    /* Other dependencies */

Versions 3.0.3 and below

Before attempting to use Gradle for Ravelin, ensure that you have a valid username and password for the private Maven repository. This can be obtained from a Ravelin integrations engineer. The credentials are required only for ravelin-core and ravelin-encrypt version 3.0.3 and below.

IMPORTANT - Do not store the repository credentials within Source Control. They can be stored in the user’s file.

// ~/.gradle/


Within the Project level build.gradle, make sure the repositories include the appropriate Ravelin maven repository:


allprojects {
    repositories {
        /* other repositories */
        maven {
            name "Ravelin"
            credentials {
                username "$ravelinRepoUsername"
                password "$ravelinRepoPassword"
            url ""

Kotlin DSL

allprojects {
    repositories {
        /* other repositories */
        maven {
            credentials {
                username = properties["ravelinRepoUsername"] as? String
                password = properties["ravelinRepoPassword"] as? String

The next step is to add the dependencies in the Module level build.gradle (build.gradle.kts) add Ravelin to the app dependencies:


dependencies {
    /* other dependencies */
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-core:3.0.3'
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-encrypt:3.0.3'

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {
    /* other dependencies */

Installing Manually

The Ravelin library may be imported as a standard AAR. Please be advised that we do not recommend manual installation and strongly advise that you use Gradle.

A common way to add the library into the project is to add it into a library in the Project level build.gradle (build.gradle.kts) make sure the repositories include the local libraries directory. Assuming that the AAR’s are stored within libs:


allprojects {
    repositories {
        /* other repositories */
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'

Kotlin DSL

allprojects {
    repositories {
        /* other repositories */
        flatDir {

Then in the Module level build.gradle (build.gradle.kts), add Ravelin to the app dependencies:


dependencies {
    implementation(name: 'ravelin', ext: 'aar')

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {
    implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar", "*.aar"))))

When building your project you will probably see a warning which says: ‘Using flatDir should be avoided because it doesn’t support any meta-data formats.’ You may ignore this warning. Alternatively, you may generate a new module in your application and fetch the library through this new module.

Updating the Ravelin Android SDK

There are two ways to update the Ravelin Android SDK: via Gradle, or manually with a precompiled AAR file. Our preferred method is to use Gradle, due to its ease of maintenance.

Updating via Gradle

In the Module level build.gradle change the dependencies to the latest SDK version number.


dependencies {
    /* other dependencies */
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-core:6.0.0'
    implementation 'com.ravelin.sdk:ravelin-encrypt:6.0.0'

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {
    /* other dependencies */

To verify the latest Ravelin SDK version check our Release Notes section.

Updating Manually

The Ravelin library may be imported as a standard AAR. Please be advised that we do not recommend manual update and strongly advise that you use Gradle.

Please follow the same steps mentioned in the Installing Manually section and make sure you are using the latest SDK version AAR.

Important configurations

Handle application backup rules

The Ravelin SDK is defining backup rules in its Manifest file. In case you have backup rules in your application manifest file, make sure to merge the SDK backup rules, otherwise they will be override during the Manifest merging process and that may result with an unexpected behaviour.


Backup rules for API level >= 31:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data-extraction-rules disableIfNoEncryptionCapabilities="false">
            path="." />
            path="my_secret_shared_pref_data.xml" />
            path="my_com.ravelin.core_shared_pref_data.xml" />

Backup rules for API level < 31:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            path="." />
            path="my_secret_shared_pref_data.xml" />
            path="my_com.ravelin.core_shared_pref_data.xml" />

ProGuard rules

This section is relevant to application providers that use the R8 compiler to optimise and obfuscate their source code and app resources. Since version 3.1.0, both ravelin-core and ravelin-encrypt source code is obfuscated with the help of the R8 compiler.

Ravelin SDK v4.0.0 and above

In case you’re using the R8 compiler, there’s no additional requirements. The compiler will take care of merging the SDK’s ProGuard keep rules. In case you’re using a different dexing tool, please add the following ProGuard rules to your ProGuard configuration file manually.

Ravelin SDK v3.1.0

To avoid additional obfuscation/optimisation/shrinking of these libraries or to avoid obfuscation of lower versions than 3.1.0, please add the following keep rules to your ProGuard configuration file: ProGuard rules. Ignoring these keep rules may lead to potential errors in the SDK’s behavior.

JDK desugaring

Ravelin SDK v4.0.0 and above

The following configuration is required in order to support Java API desugaring in Android API level 23 and older :

// Add the following to your build.gradle.kts file
compileOptions {
    // Other configurations ...
    isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true

// Add the following dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:
dependencies {
    // Other dependencies

Additional configuration for App bundles

The Ravelin 3DS SDK uses a Java native interface (JNI) to communicate with a native library. In case you publish your app as a bundle (aab file), additional configuration is required to avoid receiving the following error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError. This error happens when users try to side-load the app with an apk file which is not compatible with their device architecture. To avoid such an error add the following configuration:

In your application module build.gradle.kts file add the following configuration to the android extension:

packaging {
    jniLibs {
        useLegacyPackaging = true


For a better experience with Ravelin SDK, the application needs to provide a way for accessing users information. When requesting users to grant runtime permissions, it is a good practice to follow the Android guidelines in order to increase the likelihood of users granting approving the requested permissions. Here is a list of what each permission allows us to get from the users:


Following information about users localization:

  • Accuracy
  • Altitude
  • Bearing
  • ElapsedRealTimeNanos
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Provider
  • Speed
  • Time

In addition, the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is required in order to read the connection MAC address (Only for Android Pie and older).


Information about users phone

  • IsWorldPhone
  • Network information
  • Carrier information
  • Phone type (GSM, CDMA, SIP)
  • imei (GSM networks) / meid (CDMA networks) / DeviceId (API level <= 25)
  • imsi


Information about network capabilities.

  • Transport type attribute


Information about devices wireless connection interface.

  • WIFI MAC (API level <= 29)


Information about installed packages.

  • Non market apps package installation permission.

Warning: Request this permission only when your app core functionality includes:

  • Sending or receiving app packages, AND
  • Enabling user-initiated installation of app packages.


Allows internet connection access to foreground/background processes.

The SDK requires permission to use internet connection in order to send data to Ravelin. The SDK retries to send events in case of failures such as bad internet connection or server failures. Retry is a background process that relies on stable internet connection, hence this permission is needed for the retry mechanism to work. If you do not grant this permission the retry functionality will not work and fail silently.

Core SDK usage

Please ensure only the publishable API key is used. The live secret API key should never be embedded into the app – it should only be used for server-to-server communications.

SDK accessors

The Ravelin Android SDK has three static accessors (class accessors):

  1. RavelinSDK.createInstance
  2. RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance
  3. RavelinSDK.cleanup

While the first accessor is aimed to generate an instance of the SDK, the other two, should access the SDK singleton instance if it was already created. Calling getSharedInstance or cleanup before an instance was created results with a RavelinError returned to the application via the RavelinCallback#failure callback.

Calling RavelinSDK#createInstance a second time will not create a second instance but will return a previously created instance instead.

When the application no longer needs to interact with the SDK, the cleanup accessor should be called. It is aimed to clear SDK resources and the SDK instance itself.

Read more about the SDK class members here.


First call:

// MyApplication.kt
class MyApplication : Application() {
    private var sdkInstance: RavelinSDK? = null
    override fun onCreate() {

    private fun initSdk() {
        application = applicationContext,
        apiKey = "publishable_key_live",
        appVersion = "1.0.0",
        myDeviceId = null,
        enableSharableDeviceId = false,
        deviceIdSharingTimeout = 0L,
        callback = object : RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
          override fun success(ravelin: RavelinSDK) {
            sdkInstance = ravelin
              "Ravelin Setup Success",
          override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
              "Ravelin Setup Error",

Subsequent calls:

// MyViewModel.kt
var sdkInstance: RavelinSDK? = null

// Using callback
fun getSdkInstanceVersion1() {
    RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance(object : RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
        override fun success(result: RavelinSDK) {
            sdkInstance = result
                "Ravelin Setup Success",

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
                "Ravelin Setup Error",

fun getSdkInstanceVersion2() {
    // Without a callback
    sdkInstance = RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance()

Cleaning Resources:

// MyViewModel.kt
RavelinSDK.cleanup(object : RavelinCallback<String>() {
    override fun success(response: String) {
        Log.d("Ravelin Setup Success", response)

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.message)


First call:

// MyApplication.kt
class MyApplication extends Applicaation {
      RavelinSDK sdkInstance = null;
      void onCreate() {

      private void initSdk() {
                new RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
                  public void success(RavelinSDK ravelinSDK) {
                    sdkInstance = ravelinSDK;
                    Log.d("Ravelin Setup Success", "hooray");
                  public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError ravelinError) {
                    Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", ravelinError.getMessage());

Subsequent calls:

RavelinSDK sdkInstance = null;

// null-safe with handled error message
void getSdkInstanceVersion1() {
    RavelinSDK instance = RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance(new RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
        public void success(RavelinSDK result) {
          sdkInstance = result;
            Log.d("Ravelin Setup Success", "hooray");

        public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError ravelinError) {
            Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.getMessage());


// nullable, no callback
void getSdkInstanceVersion2() {
    sdkInstance = RavelinSDK.Companion.getSharedInstance();

Cleaning Resources:

void cleanup() {
    RavelinSDK.Companion.cleanup(new RavelinCallback<String>() {
        public void success(String response) {
            Log.d("Ravelin Setup Success", response);

        public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError ravelinError) {
            Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", ravelinError.getMessage());

After first initialization, the SDK instance can be referenced anywhere using RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance(...).

The DeviceId

The Ravelin SDK generates a unique DeviceId during the initialisation stage. Read more here on how to use the DeviceId sharing feature.

The following code snippets show how to access the DeviceId.


class Example {
    fun getDeviceId(): String = run {
        val ravelinSdk = RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance()


class Example {
    String getDeviceId() {
        RavelinSdk ravelinSdk = RavelinSDK.Companion.getSharedInstance();
        if (ravelinSdk != null) {
            return ravelinSdk.getDeviceId();
        } else {
            return null;

Alternatively, you may provide your own DeviceId implementation by setting it directly as an argument when creating the SDK instance. In this case the SDK will opt for the provided DeviceId instead of generating a new one. The provided DeviceId needs to meet the following conditions:

  1. Max length is 128 characters.
  2. Should consist of basic latin(Unicode) characters in the range (‘u0021’-‘u007e’) only.

The following code snippets show how to set the DeviceId during SDK creation.


class Example {
    fun createInstance(
      app: Application, 
      myDeviceId: String, 
      myAppVersion: String) {
            object : RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
                override fun success(result: RavelinSDK) {
                    Log.i("Ravelin Setup Success", "DeviceId = ${instance.getDeviceId()}")

                override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
                    Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void createInstance(Application app, String myDeviceId, String myAppVersion) {
        RavelinSDK.Companion.createInstance(app, "api_key_123456789", myAppVersion, myDeviceId,
                new RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
                    public void success(RavelinSDK result) {
                        Log.i("Ravelin Setup Success", "DeviceId = " + instance.getDeviceId());

                    public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                        Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.getMessage());

Class members - Ravelin Core


 * Method for creating a singleton instance of the SDK that holds required methods for
 * communicating with Ravelin APIs. The created object can be accessed by a call to
 * [getSharedInstance]. In order to create the object the API key must be provided.
 * If called a second time, the parameters are ignored and the original instance is returned,
 * unless a call to [cleanup] is made between the two calls.
 * The function is thread-safe and protected against concurrent calls from 
 * different threads or from the same thread. Such calls are blocked by a lock until 
 * the current call is complete and are executed sequentially. This is done to avoid redundant 
 * parallel initializations of the SDK while its in the process of being initialized,
 * to avoid wasting device resources. When the subsequent calls are finally processed the SDK is 
 * already initialised and won't be initialised again.
 * @param application - The Android Application class that this instance is attached to
 * @param apiKey - The Ravelin public API key.
 * @param appVersion - Optional. Version of the application.
 * @param myDeviceId - Optional. User device id. When set, it will be used as the device id.
 *                     Instead of the SDK generated device id, even when the SDK
 *                     is first initialised with its own device id.
 * @param enableSharableDeviceId - Optional. When set to true, the device Id sharing feature
 *                                 is enabled. This means that the app can share device id
 *                                 with other apps on the device that integrate the SDK.
 * @param deviceIdSharingTimeout - Optional. This parameter should be set only if
 *                               enableSharableDeviceId is enabled. It is used to set a
 *                               timeout for binding the app with other apps via an IPC
 *                               mechanism. The timeout is in milliseconds. This value
 *                               shouldn't be smaller than 850ms or higher than 5,900ms.
 * @param callback - callback. A [RavelinCallback] of type [RavelinSDK] to indicate the
 *                   function status back to the caller. The callback is called with the
 *                   created instance if the SDK was initialized successfully, otherwise
 *                   with an error message.
fun createInstance(
    application: Application,
    apiKey: String,
    appVersion: String? = null,
    myDeviceId: String? = null,
    enableSharableDeviceId: Boolean? = false,
    deviceIdSharingTimeout: Long? = 0L,
    callback: RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>
): RavelinSDK?

Your Publishable API Key. See Authentication for where to find this.

createInstance has several modes of operation:

Normal mode

This mode of operation is suitable for most clients. In this mode of operation, the application is always generating its own DeviceId and doesn’t share it with other applications.

When to call createInstance?

It is recommended to initialize the SDK by calling createInstance as soon as the application starts. Possible places are the application onCreate lifecycle method or the onCreate lifecycle method of the first activity that launches if the first is not possible.

Sharing DeviceId mode

Please note: DeviceId’s sharing is only supported on Ravelin SDK v6.0.0+.

This mode is useful for customers that install several proprietary applications on the same device and need to share the same DeviceId amongst these applications. When the application initializes the Ravelin SDK, it runs as a client application, and requests other applications (server applications) installed on the device, to share their deviceIds with it. Hence, each application using this feature, may run as a client application or as a server application. To enable this feature the following steps need to be followed:

  1. enableSharableDeviceId needs to be set to true.
  2. The package names of the sharing apps need to be added to the manifest file of the application.

For example:

   <!--Other configurations-->
        <package android:name="com.example.app1" />
        <package android:name="com.example.app2" />
        <package android:name="com.example.app3" />
        <package android:name="com.example.app4" />
  1. Repeat steps 1&2 for each application that needs to participate in the DeviceId sharing. For the example above, repeat for each one of the apps: com.example.app1, com.example.app2, com.example.app3, com.example.app4.

Please note that if myDeviceId is set to a non-null & non-blank value, the SDK uses this value for generating the DeviceId and ignores the DeviceId sharing mechanism.

DeviceId sharing is done via the Android Binder IPC mechanism (Inter-process communication). It requires the client application to bind to the server applications (providers of the DeviceId). The binding task is scheduled by the OS and may not happen immediately as the application may be running some UI tasks that may be prioritized by the OS. As a result, this mode of initialization can take anything from tens of milliseconds to a few seconds in the first initialization of the SDK. This latency depends on the the number of the binding apps but mostly on device capabilities and on the latencies of other scheduled UI tasks. Subsequent initializations of the SDK will run faster as the sharing mechanism runs in the background as non-blocking and is mostly used to assure that the applications have a synchronized DeviceId in case that DeviceId sharing failed in the original initialization.

In order to reduce latencies and assure that the sharing is successful, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Wrap the SDK createInstance function in a different function inside the ViewModel of the main activity.

  2. Call this function from the main activity onResume lifecycle method. Calling createInstance from the application or the main activity onCreate lifecycle method is not recommended because normally the application is busy running some UI tasks that may be prioritized over the binding process, by the OS.

  3. Always provide the application context rather than an Activity context to createInstance.

There is also an option to configure the timeout of the binding mechanism. You can set the timeout in the deviceIdSharingTimeout parameter. The timeout is in milliseconds and should take a value between 850ms and 5,900ms. This parameter is optional and if not set, the SDK default timeout is used instead.


* Method for accessing the Ravelin object for communicating with its APIs.
* Only to be called after the Ravelin SDK has been first initialised using the API key,
* otherwise, the [RavelinCallback.failure] callback method is triggered.
* @param callback - An optional callback that is responsible to warn
*                 whether the RavelinSDK instance could be retrieved successfully or not.
* @return - An instance of a previously created RavelinSDK, null if it is not existent.
fun getSharedInstance(callback: RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>? = null): RavelinSDK?


 * cleaning the SDK instance and its resources.
 * Note: This function should be called if additional interactions with the SDK are not
 * expected and it can be garbage collected.
 * @param callback a [RavelinCallback] of type [String] to indicate the function status
 * back to the caller.
fun cleanup(callback: RavelinCallback<String>? = null): Unit?

Class instance members - Ravelin Core


* Property to access the unique identifier that represents user's device. The property has a
* private setter and hence can't be set externally. If the DeviceId failed to be generated, calling
* this property should throw an [UninitializedPropertyAccessException] exception.
* @return the device id [String?]
var deviceId: String? = null

How to call access this property:






 * Notify Ravelin of the device fingerprint. This function creates a coroutine and runs
 * asynchronously.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API response of type [RavelinRequestCallback].
fun trackFingerprint(callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null): Job?


 * Notify Ravelin of a new page being shown.
 * @param pageTitle - The title of the current screen.
 * @param payload - Additional data to be sent to Ravelin. [Properties] is a type alias of
 *                  [LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>?].
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackPage(
    pageTitle: String,
    payload: Properties? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a new search being performed.
 * @param pageTitle - The title of the current screen.
 * @param searchValue - Optional string that was used to perform a search.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackSearch(
    pageTitle: String,
    searchValue: String? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of an option being selected.
 * @param pageTitle - The title of the current screen.
 * @param option - Optional selected item definition.
 *                 Example: {colour, size, date, time, seat, ticketType}
 * @param optionValue - Optional value of the informed option.
 *                      Example: {blue, M, 14, first class}
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackSelectOption(
    pageTitle: String,
    option: String? = null,
    optionValue: String? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a new cart addition.
 * @param pageTitle - The title of the current page.
 * @param itemName - Optional. The name of the item added to the cart.
 * @param quantity - Optional. The amount of the items that were added.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackAddToCart(
    pageTitle: String,
    itemName: String? = null,
    quantity: Int? = 0,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a new cart removal.
 * @param pageTitle - The name of the current screen.
 * @param itemName - Optional. The name of the item removed to the cart.
 * @param quantity - Optional. The amount of the items that were removed.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackRemoveFromCart(
    pageTitle: String,
    itemName: String? = null,
    quantity: Int? = 0,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a new item added to users wishlist.
 * @param pageTitle - The page where the item was added to a wishlist.
 * @param itemName - Optional. The name of the item added to a wishlist.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackAddToWishlist(
    pageTitle: String,
    itemName: String? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a item removed from users wishlist.
 * @param pageTitle - The page where the item was removed from a wishlist.
 * @param itemName - Optional. The name of the item removed from a wishlist.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackRemoveFromWishlist(
    pageTitle: String,
    itemName: String? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin about a change in the application language.
 * @param pageTitle - The page where the new language was set.
 * @param language - An ISO-639-1 representation of the new language.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackLanguageChange(
    pageTitle: String,
    language: String?,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin about a change in the application currency.
 * @param pageTitle - The page where the new currency was set.
 * @param currency - An ISO-4217 representation of the new currency.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackCurrencyChange(
    pageTitle: String,
    currency: String?,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin that a user interacts with product contents. This interaction can be
 * plays a video, expands a photo, expands product details, clicks a link in the page, etc.
 * The call can optionally include the content type that the user interacted with.
 * @param pageTitle - The page where the content was seen.
 * @param contentType - Optional. The type of content that was interacted to.
 *                      Examples: {video, photo, product description, delivery options}
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackViewContent(
    pageTitle: String,
    contentType: String? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Track a Click (customer action) Event.
 * @param eventType - The type of triggered event
 * @param pageTitle - Optional. The screen in which the click event occurred.
 * @param payload - Optional object to be serialized and transmitted with the event.
 *                  [Properties] is a type alias of [LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>?].
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API request communication.
fun trackEvent(
    eventType: String,
    pageTitle: String? = null,
    payload: Properties? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a successful login.
 * @param customerId - Optional. The Customer identifier as a String
 * @param pageTitle - Optional. The screen where the login occurred.
 * @param payload - Optional. Additional data to be sent to Ravelin.
 *                 [Properties] is a type alias of [LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>?].
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackLogIn(
    customerId: String?,
    pageTitle: String? = null,
    payload: Properties? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Notify Ravelin of a logout and clears [sessionId].
 * @param pageTitle - Optional. The page where the logout occurred
 * @param payload - Optional. Additional data to be sent to Ravelin.
 *                  [Properties] is a type alias of [LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>?].
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API responses.
fun trackLogOut(
    pageTitle: String? = null,
    payload: Properties? = null,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null


 * Track a paste event with the content tracked.
 * @param pageTitle - Optional. The screen where the paste event occurred.
 * @param value - Pasted text string.
 * @param callback - Optional callback for the API request.
fun trackPaste(
    pageTitle: String? = null,
    value: String,
    callback: RavelinRequestCallback? = null

Customer ID

* Your chosen customer ID
* @return the customer ID [String?].
var customerId: String? = null

How to access this property:



ravelin.customerId = "cust-1"




Temp Customer ID

 * A temporary customer ID. Setting to a null, blank or empty value will
 * generate a new temporary customer ID.
 * @return the temporary customer ID [String?].
var tempCustomerId: String? = null

How to access this property:



ravelin.tempCustomerId = "temp-1"




Order ID

 * The ID for this specific order.
 * @return the order ID [String?].
var orderId: String? = null

How to access this property:



ravelin.orderId = "930393-BBB"




Ravelin Encrypt usage

Encrypting Cards

Depending on your integration, you may want to encrypt card details via the SDK. The SDK can be used to allow the secure sharing of card information with Ravelin whilst removing the need to handle PCI-compliant data. When collecting the card details, using CardDetails(pan, month, year, nameOnCard). pan, month, year are required, while nameOnCard is optional.

The CardDetails are then passed into the encryptCard method along with the appropriate RSA key to produce an EncryptedCard instance with encrypted ciphers. Encrypted cards are validated prior to encryption. You can perform this validation yourself by calling CardDetails#validate. The optional callback parameter will inform you of a success or failure. In case of a failure the method returns null, and if successful the newly created valid CardDetails is created with extra values stripped, ready to be encrypted.

Ravelin Android encryption is only available for Android 5.1 LOLLIPOP_MR1 API level: 22 and above, since it uses the native encryption provided within the standard Ravelin SDK.

Validation is performed, confirming that expiry dates are valid, that the PAN is at least 12 characters and that the name on the card is valid. Should any validation checks fail, nil is returned from the method. Pass an error by ref to determine the cause of failure if any occurs.

The basic checks performed by the validation are:

  1. PAN length must be greater than 12 digits
  2. The month must be between 1 and 12 inclusive
  3. The year must be between the current year and 50 years in the future
  4. If the year is the current year then the month must be greater than or equal to the current month
  5. When not null, the name must be between 2-26 long and consist of the following characters: ‘, -, a-z, A-Z and space.

Please note, the use of encryption is entirely optional and not required as part of your integration. If you are confused about whether or not you should use encryption, please contact an integration engineer. If you do not want to use encryption at all, please make sure not to use encryptCard.


val cardDetails = CardDetails("1234 1234 1234 1234", "02", "18", "Dr Jilly McJillson")

// null safe callback
RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "RSA-Key",
    object : EncryptCallback<EncryptedCard>() {
        override fun failure(error: EncryptError) {
            Log.d("Card encryption Error", error.message)
        override fun success(result: EncryptedCard?) {
            Log.d("Card encryption Success", result.toString())

// nullable
val encryptedCard = RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "2|rsakeykeykeykeykeykey")


class Example {
    final CardDetails cardDetails = new CardDetails("1234 1234 1234 1234", "02", "18", "Dr Jilly McJillson");

    // null safe callback
    EncryptedCard encryptedCard = RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "RSA-Key",
        new EncryptCallback<CardDetails>() {
            public void failure(EncryptError error) {
                Log.d("Card encryption Error", error.getMessage());

            public void success(CardDetails result) {
                Log.d("Card encryption Success", result.toString());

// nullable
class Example {
    final EncryptedCard encryptedCard = RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "2|rsakeykeykeykeykeykey");

Card Validation


val cardDetails = CardDetails("1234 1234 1234 1234", "02", "18", "Dr Jilly McJillson")

cardDetails.validate(object : EncryptCallback<CardDetails>() {
    override fun failure(error: EncryptError) {
        Log.d("Card Validation Error", error.message)

    override fun success(result: CardDetails?) {
        Log.d("Card Validation Success", "hooray")

RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "RSA-Key",
    object : EncryptCallback<EncryptedCard>() {
        override fun failure(error: EncryptError) {
            Log.d("Card encryption Error", error.message)
        override fun success(result: EncryptedCard?) {
            Log.d("Card encryption Success", result.toString())


class Example {
    final CardDetails cardDetails = new CardDetails("1234 1234 1234 1234", "02", "18", "Dr Jilly McJillson");

    // null safe callback
    CardDetailks cardDetails = cardDetails.validate(new EncryptCallback<CardDetails>() {
        public void success(CardDetails result) {
            Log.e("Card Validation Success", "hooray");

        public void failure(EncryptError error) {
            Log.e("Card Validation Error", error.getMessage());

    EncryptedCard encryptedCard = RavelinEncrypt().encryptCard(cardDetails, "RSA-Key",
        new EncryptCallback<CardDetails>() {

            public void failure(EncryptError error) {
                Log.d("Card encryption Error", error.getMessage());

            public void success(CardDetails result) {
                Log.d("Card encryption Success", result.toString());

Class members - Ravelin encrypt


 * Encrypt provided [CardDetails] ready to be sent to Ravelin.
 * @param cardDetails the plain text [CardDetails] to be encrypted
 * @param callback to handle null-safe results or handle errors
 * @return - An encrypted card of type [EncryptedCard?] or null if an error occurred during
 *           encryption.
fun encryptCard(
    cardDetails: CardDetails,
    rsaKey: String,
    callback: EncryptCallback<EncryptedCard>? = null
): EncryptedCard?

Tracking Activity

Using the Ravelin Android SDK, you can capture various built in events along with your own custom events that can later be viewed in the Ravelin dashboard. This can be very useful for analysts to gain additional context during an investigation. For example, if you can see that a user is going through unexpected parts of your customer journey at a set speed on a new device that could indicate suspicious activity.

Track events may be called with either a RavelinRequestCallback callback or no callback. Using a callback, the network request will be triggered immediately.

These are the available predefined events:

The full documentation is present on the javadocs to better help implementation.


Sends the device Fingerprint to Ravelin. Call this function before any important moment in the customer journey that matches a checkpoint. The following is a list of possible checkpoints (subject to the Ravelin products you are using):

  • Right after initialisation and before trackLogin. In the first initialization of the SDK, this should happen after requesting runtime permissions.
  • Before any call to the checkout API.
  • Before sending a refund request.
  • Before sending an account registration request.


Unless you have a supplier application, ensure that the customerId and/or tempCustomerId are set before trackFingerprint() is called. When the application is a supplier application you should not set the customerId or the tempCustomerId. In case of doubt please contact Ravelin support.

Only takes an optional callback.


// set Customer ID
ravelin.customerId = "12346578"

// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackFingerprint(object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    // set Customer ID
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackFingerprint(new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To indicate when the user hits a new page. We would like this to be used for every new page or screen the user goes to.

Required pageName, optional payload to be serialized and optional callback. Note: payload is of type LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>? but will accept only the following types for the value entry: Number?, String?, Boolean?, List<Any?>? where Any? could include combinations of Number?, String? and Boolean? In case you require support for additional types, please contact us and we would support them in future versions.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "Product List - Toothbrushes",
    linkedMapOf("Property 1" to "Custom", "Property 2" to "Data"),
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        final LinkedHashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("Proeprty 1", "Custom");
        map.put("Proeprty 2", "Data");

        ravelin.trackPage("Product List - Toothbrushes", map, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To be used when a user performs a search.

There is an optional searchValue property that can be added to let us know about the search term.

Required pageTitle, optional searchValue to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "Product List - Toothbrushes",
    "search value",
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackSearch("Product List - Toothbrushes", "Search value", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To be used when a user selects or changes a product option like colour, size or delivery option.

There is an optional option property that can be added to let us know about the what option was selected, we suggest using one of the following values colour, size, date, time, seat , ticketType, delivery option, but other values are accepted.

There is also an optional optionValue property that can be sent to let us know what value was selected.

Required pageTitle, optional option and optionValue to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "Product Page",
    "Option Value",
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackSelectOption("Product Page", "Option", "Option Value", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());

trackAddToCart and trackRemoveFromCart

To be used when an item is added or removed from the cart.

There are two optional properties itemName and quantity that can be added to let us know the product name and the quantity.

Required pageTitle, optional itemName and quantity to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackAddToCart("Product Page", "Item Name", 5, object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackAddToCart("Product Page ", "Item Name", 5, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());

trackAddToWishlist and trackRemoveFromWishlist

To be used when an item is added or removed from the wishlist.

There is an optional itemName property that can be added to let us know the product name.

Required pageTitle, optional itemName to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackAddToWishlist("Product Page", "Item Name", object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackAddToWishlist("Product Page", "Item Name", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To be used when a user changes the language of the application. The language is an optional parameter and it should be compatible with ISO-639.

Examples for accepted values: en, en-us, en-gb, da, cs, EN-GB, EN-US, En-uS

When language is not set, this track session event may only indicate that the application language has changed without the actual new value.

Required pageTitle, optional language to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackLanguageChange("Product Page", "en-us", object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackLanguageChange("Product Page", "en-us", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To be used when a user changes the currency used by the application. The currency itself is an optional parameter and it should be compatible with ISO-4217.

Examples for accepted values: EUR, USD, NZD, eur, usd, nzd, nZd

When currency is not set, this track session event may only indicate that the application currency has changed without the actual new value.

Required pageTitle, optional currency to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackCurrencyChange("Product Page", "EUR", object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackCurrencyChange("Product Page", "EUR", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


To be used when the user interacts with product content like plays a video, expands a photo, expands product details.

There is an optional contentType property to let us know what content the user interacted with, we suggest using one of the following values video, photo, productDescription, deliveryOptions, but other values are accepted.

Required pageTitle, optional contentType to be serialized and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackViewContent("Product Page", "Content Type", object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackViewContent("Product Page", "Content Type", new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


Tracks a user or app event.

Required eventType, optional pageTitle, optional payload to be serialized and optional callback.

Note: payload is of type LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>? but will accept only the following types for the value entry: Number?, String?, Boolean?, List<Any?>? where Any? could include combinations of Number?, String? and Boolean? In case you require support for additional types, please contact us and we would support them in future versions.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "app open",
    "login activity",
        "Property 1" to "Custom",
        "Property 2" to 1,
        "Property 3" to true,
        "Property4" to null,
        "Property 5" to listOf(1, null, true, 1.234)
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        final LinkedHashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("Proeprty 1", "Custom");
        map.put("Proeprty 2", 1);
        map.put("Proeprty 3", true);
        map.put("Proeprty 4", null);
        List<Object> list = new ArrayList();
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackEvent("app open", "login activity", map, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


Tracks a user login event.

Required customerId, optional pageTitle, optional payload to be serialized and optional callback.

Note: payload is of type LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>? but will accept only the following types for the value entry: Number?, String?, Boolean?, List<Any?>? where Any? could include combinations of Number?, String? and Boolean? In case you require support for additional types, please contact us and we would support them in future versions.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "login activity",
    linkedMapOf("Class" to "Mage"),
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        final HashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("Class", "Mage");

        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackLogIn("app open", "login activity", map, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


Tracks a user logout event.

pageTitle and payload are optional serialized parameters. callback is optional.

Note: payload is of type LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>? but will accept only the following types for the value entry: Number?, String?, Boolean?, List<Any?>? where Any? could include combinations of Number?, String? and Boolean? In case you require support for additional types, please contact us and we would support them in future versions.


// immediately call asynchronously
    "User Account",
    linkedMapOf("Class" to "Mage"),
    object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
        override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
            payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
                Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
            Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        final HashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("Class", "Mage");

        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackLogOut("login activity", map, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());


This method is used primarily by the Ravelin PasteEventListener but can be also used directly if required. It can be used to detect copy-paste of card details into text fields which may be an indication of fraudulent behavior.

Required value, optional pageTitle and optional callback.


// immediately call asynchronously
ravelin.trackPaste("checkout activity", pastedCharacters, object : RavelinRequestCallback() {
    override fun success(payload: Array<ResponsePayload>?) {
        payload?.forEachIndexed { index, responsePayload ->
            Log.d(TAG, "API Request Success with payload $index = $responsePayload")

    override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
        Log.e("API Request Error", error.message)


class Example {
    void main() {
        // immediately call asynchronously
        ravelin.trackPaste("login activity", pastedCharacters, new RavelinRequestCallback() {
            public void success(@Nullable ResponsePayload[] payload) {
                if (payload != null) {
                    for (ResponsePayload responsePayload : payload) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "Ravelin payload = " + responsePayload);

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("API Request Error", error.getMessage());

Paste Event Listener

The PasteEventListener is a TextWatcher that reports back when a user has pasted into an input box through a PasteEventListener.OnPaste interface.

Internally, the PasteEventListener will report back to Ravelin the pasted text after obfuscating input. The input should be obfuscated automatically as part of PasteEventListener - this is important because we don’t want to be accidentally sent sensitive information that may be copied and pasted (for example BINs).

This is primarily for use on PAN input fields but may be used anywhere.


val view = // Your EditText

        PasteListener("page", object : PasteListener.OnPaste() {
            fun pasted() {
                Log.d("Paste Event", "user has pasted some content")


class Example {
    void main() {
        EditText view = // Your EditText

                new PasteListener("page", new PasteListener.OnPaste() {

                    public void pasted() {
                        Log.d("Paste Event", "user has pasted some content");

End-to-end example

In the following form, we collect card details from the customer, encrypt them and send that encrypted values (the cipher) back to your server. Please note that in case that you are using the DeviceId sharing feature, a better place to initialize the SDK would be in the main activity onResume method as explained in Class members - Ravelin Core.


class ShopApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        // Create instance referencing the application.
        // This can be done anywhere if the application does not extend Application
        RavelinSDK.createInstance(this, "api_key_123456789",
            object : RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {

                override fun success(result: RavelinSDK) {
                    Log.e("Ravelin Setup Success", "hooray")

                override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
                    Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.message)

class ShopActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val customerId = "1234" // get customerId from your login process

        val ravelin = RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance(object : RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
            override fun success(result: RavelinSDK) {
                result.customerId =
                    customerId // set customer id either directly or via trackLogin method
                // this id will then be sent with all subsequent tracking events
                result.orderId = "your own order ID" // set order id to your own order reference
                result.trackPage("Shopping Page")

            override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
                Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.message)
        val cardNumberTextView = findViewById<TextView>(
        val expirationMonthTextView = findViewById<TextView>(
        val expirationYearTextView = findViewById<TextView>(
        val nameOnCardTextView = findViewById<TextView>(

        findViewById<Button>( {
            val pan = cardNumberTextView.text.toString()
            val month = expirationMonthTextView.text.toString()
            val year = expirationYearTextView.text.toString()
            val name = nameOnCardTextView.text.toString()

            val cardDetails = CardDetails(pan, month, year, name)

            if (ravelin != null) {
                    object : RavelinCallback<EncryptedCard>() {
                        override fun success(result: EncryptedCard) {
                            Log.e("Card Encryption Success", "hooray")

                        override fun failure(error: RavelinError) {
                            Log.e("Card Encryption Error", error.message)


public class ShopApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        // Create instance referencing the application.
        // This can be done anywhere if the application does not extend Application
        RavelinSDK.Companion.createInstance(this, "api_key_123456789", new RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
            public void success(RavelinSDK result) {
                Log.e("Ravelin Setup Success", "hooray");

            public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.getMessage());

public class ShopActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final String customerId = "1234"; // get customerId from your login process

        final RavelinSDK ravelin = RavelinSDK.Companion.getSharedInstance(new RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK>() {
            public void success(RavelinSDK result) {
                result.setCustomerId(customerId); // set customer id either directly or via trackLogin method
                // this id will then be sent with all subsequent tracking events
                result.setOrderId("your own order ID"); // set order id to your own order reference
                result.trackPage("Shopping Page");

            public void failure(RavelinError error) {
                Log.e("Ravelin Setup Error", error.getMessage());
        final TextView cardNumberTextView = findViewById(;
        final TextView expirationMonthTextView = findViewById(;
        final TextView expirationYearTextView = findViewById(;
        final TextView nameOnCardTextView = findViewById(;

        findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                String pan = cardNumberTextView.getText().toString();
                String month = expirationMonthTextView.getText().toString();
                String year = expirationYearTextView.getText().toString();
                String name = nameOnCardTextView.getText().toString();

                CardDetails cardDetails = new CardDetails(pan, month, year, name);

                if (ravelin != null) {
                    ravelin.encryptCard(cardDetails, "RSA-KEY", new RavelinCallback<EncryptedCard>() {
                        public void success(EncryptedCard result) {
                            Log.e("Card Encryption Success", "hooray");

                        public void failure(@NotNull RavelinError error) {
                            Log.e("Card Encryption Error", error.getMessage());

Once the cipher is received by your server, the API request to Ravelin in which a fraud recommendation is requested should use this cipher value:

/* Server-side */

var card = JSON.parse(request.params['ravelinCipherText']);
card.methodType = 'paymentMethodCipher';

var action = request('', {
    // ...
    'paymentMethod': card,

WebView cookies handling

For apps that provide part of the user interface with WebViews, embedded within a native app, it is recommended making a DeviceId cookie available to those WebViews that utilise ravelinjs. The current version of ravelinjs will adhere to any ravelinDeviceId cookie that it finds.

Here is a simple example of sharing the DeviceId via a cookie. It is based on jetpack compose but you may use any other UI framework.

internal class BrowserViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val cookie = MutableStateFlow(EMPTY_STRING)
    val safeCookie = cookie.asStateFlow()

    fun fetchCookieContent() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
        val deviceId = RavelinSDK.getSharedInstance()?.deviceId
        cookie.updateAndGet { "$COOKIE_NAME=$deviceId" }

    companion object {
        private const val COOKIE_NAME = "ravelinDeviceId"
        private const val EMPTY_STRING = ""

And the composable:

private const val HOST_NAME = ""

internal fun Browser(
    modifier: Modifier,
    myUrl: String = HOST_NAME,
    viewModel: BrowserViewModel?
) {

    var webView: WebView? = null
    val cookie = viewModel?.safeCookie?.collectAsStateWithLifecycle(EMPTY_STRING)?.value
    val cookiesManager = CookieManager.getInstance()

    // The following if-statement is important to make sure that the WebView is created when the cookie
    // state is updated as the factory lambda is not a recomposition point.
    if (!cookie.isNullOrEmpty()) {
            modifier = modifier,
            factory = { context ->
                WebView(context).apply {
                    layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
                    webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
                        override fun onPageStarted(
                            view: WebView?,
                            url: String?,
                            favicon: Bitmap?
                        ) {
                            println("Cookie = ${cookiesManager.getCookie(url)}")

                    webView = this


    LaunchedEffect(true) {

Custom WorkManager configuration and initialization

This section is relevant only to those apps that rely on the WorkManager API and initialize it manually.

Should this use case apply to your app, please make sure to meet the following requirement:

  1. Let your Application class implement the Configuration.Provider Interface. A minimal setting of the configuration object would be:


class YourApplication : Application(), Configuration.Provider {

    override fun onCreate() {
        val configuration = workManagerConfiguration
        WorkManager.initialize(this, configuration) // call only for WorkManager older than 2.1.0

    override fun getWorkManagerConfiguration(): Configuration =


public class YourApplication extends Application implements Configuration.Provider {

    public void onCreate() {
        Configuration config = getWorkManagerConfiguration();
        WorkManager.initialize(this, config); // call only for WorkManager older than 2.1.0

    public Configuration getWorkManagerConfiguration() {
        return new Configuration.Builder().build();


Bundled libraries

Providing this library would not have been possible without the stellar works upon which it relies:

Dependency Name Version Comment for manual integration
Kotlin Serialization(Apache2) 1.7.1
Kotlin Coroutines(Apache2) 1.8.1
Retrofit (Apache2) 2.11.0
Retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter (Apache2) 2.11.0
okhttp3 (Apache2) 4.12.0
okhttp3-logging-interceptor (Apache2) 4.12.0
core-ktx (Apache2) 1.13.1
WorkManager (Apache2) 2.9.1
AppCompat (Apache2) 1.7.0 Only when integrating Ravelin encryption
Room (Apache2) 2.6.1
Room Ktx (Apache2) 2.6.1
Room Compiler (Apache2) 2.6.1 for Annotation processing with Ksp
Dagger2 (Apache2) 2.52
Dagger2-Android (Apache2) 2.52
Dagger-Compiler (Apache2) 2.52 for Annotation processing with Ksp
Dagger-Android-Processor (Apache2) 2.52 for Annotation processing with Ksp
Timber (Apache2) 5.0.1
Play-services-location (Apache2) 21.3.0

Important! Due to a breaking change in play-services-location in version 21.0.0, use versions older than 3.0.1 only in case you are working with play-services-location older than version 21.0.0. In case you have a version of play-services-location equal or greater than 21.0.0, please use Ravelin SDK version 3.0.1+.

Release Notes

v6.0.0 - November 21, 2024

Breaking changes:

  • createInstance return Unit instead of RavelinSDK. The RavelinCallback<RavelinSDK> parameter is now mandatory and is used to access the SDK instance instead. The reason is that createInstance now runs asynchronously on a background thread and therefore cannot return the SDK instance directly. In addition createInstance isn’t annotated by @Synchronised anymore as it is protected by a mutex.
  • New parameters were added to createInstance to support DeviceId sharing: enableSharableDeviceId and deviceIdSharingTimeout.
  • The parameter customerId in the session tracking function trackLogin is now optional.

Minor changes:

  • Support a new optional feature - DeviceId sharing which enables sharing the DeviceId between different applications that include this version of the SDK, call createInstance with enableSharableDeviceId set to true and set the sharing applications in the manifest file for each one of the applications. For more details see Class members - Ravelin Core.
  • trackFingerprint rate limit reduced to 5seconds to allow a use case where users switch fast between screens.
  • Improvements on DeviceId’s generation. New DeviceId’s will keep consistency when different users use the same device. This feature is relevant for devices that support multiple users.
  • Device fingerprinting updates. New device properties collected to improve fraud detection and increase the device fingerprinting variance.
  • Compatibility with Kotlin 2.0.20.
  • 3rd party dependencies updates (Bundled libraries).
  • New logging event IpcBindingTimeout collected when the first initialization reaches a timeout waiting for the IPC binding to complete.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixing the way customerId is sent in mobile reports.

v5.0.0 - July 12, 2024

Breaking changes:

  • RavelinRequestCallback success function now takes an optional Array<ResponsePayload> parameter. This means that the core SDK is now providing an array of payload objects of type ResponsePayload to the success function. This is useful in case that the client is interested about the response payload from the Ravelin API, for instance when calling trackFingerprint.

Minor changes:

  • A new entry is added to the fingerprint and provides information about Biometric capabilities on the device. The SDK is looking for BIOMETRIC_STRONG (class 3 and above) capabilities.
  • Retiring dependency on secure-crypto library. This library was recently deprecated by Google and has some synchronisation issues when accessing the device KeyStore.

Bug Fixes:

  • Data Network type for API 33 and above read only when one of android.permission.READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE permissions is granted.

v4.0.0 - April 29, 2024

Breaking changes:

  • Users may now set their own DeviceId’s and their application version when initialising the core-sdk. The app version is sent to Ravelin as part of the device fingerprint.
  • The SDK property DeviceId setter is now private. Setting the DeviceId can be done during the SDK initialisation.
  • track session functions don’t return a coroutine Job anymore. All the functions return Kotlin.Unit.

Minor changes:

  • Target SDK version updated to 34.
  • Migration to Kotlin 1.9.23.
  • Rate limit for the trackFingerprint event to avoid sending too many fingerprints at once.
  • ProGuard rules packaged with the libraries.
  • The SDK now relies on ksp, replacing the deprecated kapt, for Annotation processing.
  • Manually remove backup versions of the encrypted shared preference when reinstalling the app in order to support the backup rules.
  • Timeout to extract the transport link is increased to 1,500ms.
  • Java 8+ support through desugaring for Android devices running Android API level 23 and older.

Bug fixes:

  • The serialized name of the field source is renamed to installationSource.

v3.1.0 - August 29, 2023

This is a special release. Only ravelin-core library is updated in this release.

  • ravelin-core library is now public and can be accessed without credentials.
  • New track session events are now supported by the SDK. trackCurrencyChange and trackLanguageChange are now available.
  • ravelin-core library source code is obfuscated again with ProGuard. Please see ProGuard rules required to avoid additional obfuscation of the library by the app provider.
  • Updates in the Fingerprint model to assist detecting fraudulent activity.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.
  • Enrichment of the Mobile error reports to obtain more information about errors and events happening in the SDK.
  • Third party dependencies updates.
  • Compatibility with Kotlin 1.8.20.
  • Extend mime types recognised by the trackPaste session tracking function.
  • Emulator detection updates.

v3.0.0.1 - August 1, 2023

This is a special version of ravelin-core introducing several updates aimed only for clients of play-services-location older than 21.0.0. We have no plans to introduce new features or releases related to this version in the future, hence we recommend to use it only in case you are working with play-services-location older than version 21.0.0.

  • Prevent use of Bluetooth and WiFi MAC addresses for device identification.
  • Emulator detection updates.
  • The field tempCustomerId is public again.
  • Extend mime types recognised by the trackPaste session tracking function.

v3.1.0 - July 7, 2023

This is a special release. Only ravelin-encrypt library is updated in this release.

  • ravelin-encrypt library is now public and can be accessed without credentials.

v3.0.3 - May 24, 2023

  • The field tempCustomerId is public again.
  • Avoid linking native libraries in unfavorable conditions such as when the app is installed by an unfamiliar vendor or side-loaded.

v3.0.2 - April 06, 2023

  • DeviceId improvements.

v3.0.1 - March 09, 2023

  • SDK is built with play-services-location (21.0.1). Version 21.0.0 of this library introduced a breaking change.

v3.0.0 - January 11, 2023

  • Support Android 13 (API level 33).
  • Migration to Kotlin 1.7.20.
  • Built with AGP 7.3.1.
  • 3rd party libraries versions update.
  • Random numbers generation seeding improvement.
  • Check the primaryClipDescription MimeType to avoid cases where intents or URIs were used instead of plain text.

v2.0.0 - July 18, 2022

  • Introduce Dependency Injection to make it easier to conduct unit and instrumentation tests.
  • Add a new accessor to RavelinSDK cleanup to clean resources when the application finishes its work with the SDK.
  • Add security measures to help detect a fraudulent transaction. Those are collected within the DeviceProperties.
  • Migration to Kotlin 1.6.21.
  • Migration to Kotlin Serialisation and remove dependency on Gson.
  • Payload type is changed to LinkedHashMap<String, Any?>? instead of Any?
  • Migration to Room.
  • Update dependencies.
  • Migration to Kotlin DSL and update our continuous integration and deployment process.
  • Migration to Timber for logging messages.
  • Retrofit calls return Call instead of Call
  • Introduce EncryptedSharedPreferences for securely storing on device data.
  • nameOnCard is still optional but when set, it will be subjected to validation.

v1.1.1 - January 13, 2022

  • Fixed a crash related to WorkManager - Remove setExpedited for API’s lower than 31 to avoid launching foreground services.

v1.1.0 - November 23, 2021

  • Support for Android 12.
  • Compatibility with Kotlin version 1.6.0
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue related to the way WorkManager tasks are being ran from the background when their conditions are met.

v1.0.2 - June 30, 2021

  • Fixed a crash related to WorkManager

v1.0.1 - January 14, 2021

  • Fixed an ANR issue related to RootBeer library

v1.0.0 - September 16, 2020

  • Support for Android 11.
  • Security improvements.

v0.3.0 - May 15, 2020

  • SDK is now modularised into “Core” and “Encrypt” components.
    • ravelin-core - which is used for DeviceId, fingerprinting and tracking activity.
    • ravelin-encrypt - for card details encryption.
    • The modules are independent.
  • Queueing and retrying events when no internet connection or server errors.
  • Collecting new device properties (Emulator and Rooted).
  • More events to track customer activity ( example: trackSearch, trackAddToWishList ).
  • Callbacks for any track function are now all optional.

v0.2.8 - November 25, 2019

  • Fixed a crash for null errors.
    • Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: error must not be null

v0.2.7 - October 29, 2019

  • Fixed a crash where SDK was trying to read a non-JSON error but treating it as if it was JSON.
    • Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $
  • Updated the build target to be android 10.

v0.2.6 - May 7, 2019

  • Added RSA OAEP Encryption.
  • Extracted Chilkat Encryption to external module ’legacy-encryption’.
  • ‘Legacy-encryption’ created as an extension module/utility.
  • Created new method ’legacyEncryptCard’.
