Transaction Optimisation Integration


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What is Transaction Optimisation?

With authentication now the default in many markets, transaction optimisation aims to maximise transaction success by providing routing recommendations.

You can find out more about transaction optimisation and routing recommendations here.

Transaction Optimisation flow

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#ececff', 'noteBkgColor': '#fff6de' } } }%% sequenceDiagram participant PAYMENT_PAGE as Payment page participant PSP_BACKEND as PSP backend participant RAVELIN as Ravelin participant GATEWAY as Payment Gateway PAYMENT_PAGE ->> PSP_BACKEND: Attempt payment PSP_BACKEND ->> RAVELIN: Request payment fraud and transaction optimisation recommendation Note over PSP_BACKEND,RAVELIN: psp/transaction?checkpoint=pspBeforeAuth&transactionOptimisation=true RAVELIN ->> RAVELIN: Transaction runs through payment fraud
and transaction optimisation models Note over RAVELIN: TRA is performed as part of the payment fraud model RAVELIN -->> PSP_BACKEND: Payment fraud and transaction optimisation recommendations alt If payment fraud = Prevent then no transaction optimisation recommendation is provided PSP_BACKEND ->> PSP_BACKEND: Stop processing else If payment fraud = Review then no transaction optimisation recommendation is provided PSP_BACKEND ->> GATEWAY: Authentication Request Note over PSP_BACKEND,GATEWAY: Recommendation: 3DS challenge preference set to 'No preference' to help balance payment fraud risk, liability shift, and chance of frictionless authentication GATEWAY -->> PSP_BACKEND: Authentication Response else If payment fraud = Allow AND transaction optimisation = Authenticate PSP_BACKEND ->> GATEWAY: Authentication Request Note over PSP_BACKEND,GATEWAY: Any exemption and challenge preference will also need to be included GATEWAY -->> PSP_BACKEND: Authentication Response else If payment fraud = Allow AND transaction optimisation = Authorise Note over PSP_BACKEND,GATEWAY: Skip straight to authorisation request, including any exemption preferences in the request end PSP_BACKEND ->> GATEWAY: Authorisation Request opt If issuer soft declines authorisation request without prior authentication GATEWAY -->> PSP_BACKEND: Authorisation Response Note over PSP_BACKEND,GATEWAY: Payment gateway informs client of issuer soft decline PSP_BACKEND ->> GATEWAY: Authentication Request Note over PSP_BACKEND,GATEWAY: Set 3DS challenge preference as 3DS mandated.
Some payment gateways will send straight to 3DS following a soft decline without the client needing to send a separate authentication request.
In this case, the additional authorisation request is not required. end GATEWAY -->> PSP_BACKEND: Authorisation Response PSP_BACKEND -->> PAYMENT_PAGE: Transaction outcome PSP_BACKEND ->> RAVELIN: Authentication and transaction outcome Note over PSP_BACKEND, RAVELIN: Data must be sent to improve future payment fraud and
transaction optimisation recommendations

Next steps

Learn how to request a transaction optimisation recommendation
