3D Secure Integration

3DS Test Cards

On this page:

You may use the following test card numbers with your sandbox account to test your integration.

You should only use your sandbox API Key to send requests using these test cards. Requests sent using your live API Key will be sent to live directory servers.

You should ensure you handle each of the different responses correctly. Some test cards require a challenge to be completed.

Luhn check validation

The Luhn check is a commonly used algorithm to check the card number appears to be valid. This is to help prevent keying errors but there is no guarantee it is a genuine card.

Types of test card

We have test cards for different purposes:

  • If you are concerned about having cards which appear “real” in your test code for auditing purposes, use these test cards that fail the Luhn check.
  • If you have your own Luhn check implemented in your client-side code, use these test cards that pass the Luhn check and therefore will be valid in your client app or website.
  • If you would like to test the different types of challenges within our SDK, use these test cards.

See our 3DS Test Cards API for details of how to load our test cards from our API.

3DS 2 test cards (fails Luhn check)

These test cards can be used for both the browser flow and app flow authentications. The card numbers do NOT pass the Luhn check.

Test Card PANSchemeAuthenticate Response TransStatusResult Response TransStatusChallenge Required?Description
4200000000000002VisaYN/ANoSuccessful (frictionless) authentication
4200000000000003VisaAN/ANoAttempted authentication
4200000000000005VisaNN/ANoFailed authentication
4200000000000006VisaUN/ANoAuthentication unavailable
4200000000000007VisaRN/ANoAuthentication rejected
4200000000000004VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
4200000000000014VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge (No Method URL)
4200000000000015VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a mandated challenge
4200000000000016VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following an out of band (OOB) challenge
4200000000000008VisaCAYesAttempted authentication, following a challenge
4200000000000009VisaCNYesFailed authentication, following a challenge
4200000000000017VisaCNYesFailed authentication, following an out of band (OOB) challenge
4200000000000010VisaCUYesAuthentication unavailable, following a challenge
4200000000000011VisaCRYesAuthentication rejected, following a challenge
4200000000000012VisaN/AN/AN/ASimulates a directory server 3DS error
4200000000000013VisaN/AN/AN/ASimulates a 3DS Server internal server error

3DS 2 Test Cards (passes Luhn check)

These test cards can be used for both the browser flow and app flow authentications. The card numbers DO pass the Luhn check.

Test Card PANSchemeAuthenticate Response TransStatusResult Response TransStatusChallenge Required?Description
4264281511112228VisaNN/ANoFailed authentication
340000000004001AmexYN/ANoSuccessful (frictionless) authentication
4000020000000000VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
4111111111111111VisaAN/ANoAttempted authentication (No Method URL)
4242424242424242VisaYN/ANoSuccessful (frictionless) authentication
5555555555554444MastercardYN/ANoSuccessful (frictionless) authentication
5204247750001471MastercardYN/ANoSuccessful (frictionless) authentication
6011601160116011DiscoverCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
370000000000002AmexCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
3566002020360505JCBCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
3566006663297692JCBCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
36185973325993DiscoverCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
5424180011113336MastercardAN/ANoAttempted authentication
5424180000000171MastercardNN/ANoFailed authentication
5405001111111165MastercardUN/ANoAuthentication unavailable
5405001111111116MastercardRN/ANoAuthentication rejected
4005562231212123VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge (No Method URL)
4761369980320253VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a mandated challenge
4000000000000341VisaCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a out of band challenge
5200000000001104MastercardCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
4005571701111111VisaCAYesAttempted authentication, following a challenge
4055011111111111VisaCNYesFailed authentication, following a challenge
5427660064241339MastercardCNYesFailed authentication, following a challenge
6011361011110004DiscoverCNYesFailed authentication, following an out of band challenge
6011361000008888DiscoverCUYesAuthentication unavailable, following a challenge
6011361000001115DiscoverCRYesAuthentication rejected, following a challenge
4264281500003339VisaN/AN/AN/ASimulates a directory server 3DS error
4264281500001119VisaN/AN/AN/ASimulates a 3DS Server internal server error
5424180011110001MastercardN/AN/AN/A3DS2 not supported by ACS
6000000000000007MaestroCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
6000000000000015MaestroCNYesFailed authentication, following a challenge
6200000000000005UnionPayCYYesSuccessful authentication, following a challenge
6200000000000013UnionPayCNYesFailed authentication, following a challenge

3DS 2 SDK Challenge Test Cards

These are test cards used to test SDK challenge methods during the app flow. The card numbers do NOT pass the Luhn check.

Test Card PANSchemeAuthenticate Response TransStatusResult Response TransStatusChallenge Required?Description
4200000000000019VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following single select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000020VisaNNYesFailed authentication, following single select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000021VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following multi select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000022VisaNNYesFailed authentication, following multi select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000023VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following HTML OTP challenge (SDK)
4200000000000024VisaNNYesFailed authentication, following HTML OTP challenge (SDK)
4200000000000025VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following HTML Other challenge (SDK)
4200000000000026VisaNNYesFailed authentication, following HTML Other challenge (SDK)
4200000000000028VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following HTML single select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000029VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following HTML multi select challenge (SDK)
4200000000000030VisaNYYesSuccessful authentication, following HTML out of band challenge (SDK)
