3DS 2.1 Deprecation Notice
EMVCo and the card schemes will shortly be sunsetting 3D Secure version 2.1.
Please contact Ravelin if you have any questions in advance of this change.
3D Secure Integration

Non-Payment Authentication Guide

On this page:

This guide explains how to perform Non-Payment Authentication through 3D Secure.

Non-Payment Authentication (NPA) is when authentication is performed as part of a non-payment event, such as adding a card to a wallet. There is no subsequent authorisation event associated with this type of authentication.

Non-Payment Authentication flow diagram

A Non-Payment Authentication flow is the same as a standard browser or app flow, with some changes to the required values or fields:

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#ececff' } } }%% sequenceDiagram participant BACKEND as Client Back-End participant RAVELIN as Ravelin 3D Secure BACKEND ->> RAVELIN: Authenticate Request Note over BACKEND,RAVELIN: Message Category set to 02 (Non-Payment Authentication) RAVELIN ->> BACKEND: Authenticate Response Note over BACKEND,RAVELIN: If frictionless authentication was performed, some card schemes may not return an Authentication Value for successful Non-Payment Authentications.
If a challenge is required (transaction status = C), follow the browser and app Challenge flow request. BACKEND ->> RAVELIN: Result Request RAVELIN ->> BACKEND: Result Response Note over BACKEND,RAVELIN: Some card schemes may not return an Authentication Value
for successful Non-Payment Authentications.

Authenticate Request

In the Authenticate Request, specific values or conditions are applicable for some fields.

Authenticate and Result Responses

In the Authenticate and Result Responses, Non-Payment Authentication specific values may be returned or or some values may not be returned at all.

  • authenticationValue: this value may not be returned by American Express and Mastercard, even if authentication is successful.
  • eci: Mastercard may return specific values of N0 (not authenticated) or N2 (authenticated)

Card Scheme Support

Not all card schemes support Non-Payment Authentications.

If authentication is attempted with a card scheme or issuer that does not support Non-Payment Authentications, a transStatusReason of 20 (Non-Payment Authentications not supported) is returned in the Authenticate Response.

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express require all issuers to support Non-Payment Authentications. However, they do not support attempts or stand-in services for this message category.

Mastercard may return a unique value of 85 in the acsInfoInd to confirm whether Non-Payment Authentication is supported or not.

If a card scheme or issuer do not support Non-Payment Authentication, then you could take one of the following options based on regional compliance requirements and risk appetite:

  • Stop processing the non-payment event if you are unable to perform authentication
  • Continue processing the non-payment event, understanding that the cardholder has not been authenticated
  • Ensure authentication is performed on a subsequent payment event

Next steps

Test your 3DS integration with our test cards
