This guide explains how to use Ravelin’s 3DS Server to perform 3D Secure authentication in a mobile app.
The 3D Secure app flow is shown below:
In the app flow all communication with the Issuer ACS is handled by the Ravelin 3DS SDK.
Before performing 3D Secure authentication, the Ravelin 3DS SDK needs to be initialised. This can be done when your app starts or when 3D Secure authentication is started.
Initialisation must only take place once during a single app session.
Initialisation performs various security checks to ensure that the 3DS SDK is running on a secure device which has not been tampered with.
This uses the initialize
method. For details of this method see our 3DS SDK docs (iOS, Android).
The Version Request determines whether the customer’s card supports 3DS 2, and which 3DS 2 version it supports.
To prepare for this request your mobile app must send the customer’s selected payment card to your back-end so that you can make the Version Request. You may decide the format of this request.
This request can be performed asynchronously as soon as the customer has selected the payment card or synchronously when the customer submits their order.
Your back-end can then get the PAN for the selected card to make the Version Request. An example Version Request is shown below:
Authorization: token ...
Content-Type: application/json
"transactionId": "123-abc-XYZ",
"pan": "4111111111111111"
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Version Request.
An example Version Response, when the payment card supports 3D Secure 2, is shown below:
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1600081748,
"cardScheme": "Visa",
"data": {
"transactionId": "123-abc-XYZ",
"threeDSServerTransID": "bfc44ca7-0373-423e-8f55-e57e6523a149",
"availableVersions": ["2.1.0", "2.2.0"],
"versionRecommendation": "2.2.0",
"acsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
"acsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
"dsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
"dsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSMethodURL": "",
"acsInfoInd": ["01", "02"]
The Version Response will contain the supported 3D Secure protocol versions.
You should use the version provided in versionRecommendation
Create Transaction
and Authenticate Request.
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Version Response.
Call the createTransaction
and getAuthenticationRequestParameters
For details of these methods see our 3DS SDK docs (iOS, Android).
You should pass the versionRecommendation
returned in the Version Response to the createTransaction
This creates a transaction with a unique sdkTransID
and gathers the device data.
Send the following device and transaction data from your app to your back-end for use in the Authenticate Request.
Name | Authenticate request field | Acquired from |
SDK Transaction ID | sdkTransID |
getSDKTransactionID() method |
SDK App ID | sdkAppID |
getSDKAppID() function |
Device Data | sdkEncData |
getDeviceData() method |
SDK Ephemeral Public Key | sdkEphemPubKey |
getSDKEphemeralPublicKey() function |
To prepare an Authenticate Request your back-end must gather the required customer and transaction data.
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Authenticate Request.
The messageVersion
field is optional and will default to the versionRecommendation
returned in the Version Response.
Ensure you send all the required fields, and as many optional fields as you can. The more optional fields you provide, the greater the chance of the transaction achieving a Frictionless authentication.
The Ravelin 3DS Server proceeds with the 3D Secure process. The authentication request is sent to the ACS which decides whether a challenge is required.
The Authenticate Response will be returned to your back-end. An example of a successful Authenticate Response is shown below:
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1600081748,
"cardScheme": "Visa",
"data": {
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "bfc44ca7-0373-423e-8f55-e57e6523a149",
"acsTransID": "161d6b82-0d47-4e4b-b617-20cf6ba75754",
"dsTransID": "7f2774c2-3b6b-43b3-b121-5179f64075b2",
"acsReferenceNumber": "example-acs-reference-number",
"dsReferenceNumber": "example-ds-reference-number",
"transStatus": "Y",
"eci": "05",
"authenticationValue": "bG9va2l0c2FuZWFzdGVyZWdnIQo="
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Authenticate Response.
The Authenticate Response transStatus
field describes the next action you need to take.
Transaction Status | Description | Next Action |
Y |
Authentication Successful | The transaction achieved a Frictionless authentication. Continue to authorisation using the authenticationValue from the Authenticate Response. |
A |
Authentication Attempted | The cardholder was not authenticated, but proof of the authentication being attempted has been provided. Continue to authorisation using the authenticationValue from the Authenticate Response. |
C |
Challenge Required | A challenge is required, make a Challenge Request. |
D |
Decoupled Challenge Required | Decoupled authentication will be performed by the issuer. Make a Result Request to learn the final outcome. |
N |
Authentication Failed | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. Only proceed to authorisation if authentication is not required, and this is within your risk appetite. |
U |
Authentication Unavailable | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. Only proceed to authorisation if authentication is not required, and this is within your risk appetite. |
R |
Authentication Rejected | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. The issuer rejected the authentication attempt and requests that authorisation is not attempted. |
I |
Informational Only | Authentication was not requested. The data was sent to the ACS for informational purposes only. |
To make a challenge request, your app must call the doChallenge
One of the arguments to this function is challengeStatusReceiver
, this contains callback methods which are called after the challenge has taken place.
For further details of this method see our 3DS SDK docs (iOS, Android).
After calling the doChallenge
method the 3DS SDK handles the whole challenge process:
depending on the outcome of the challenge.If the completed
callback method is called, the authentication was successful.
The completed
method will receive a CompletionEvent
object containing the sdkTransactionID
and transactionStatus
The transactionStatus
field describes the next action you need to take.
Transaction Status | Description | Action to take |
Y |
Authentication Successful | The challenge was successful, make a Result Request to obtain the authentication value. |
N |
Authentication Failed | Only proceed to authorisation if authentication is not required, and this is within your risk appetite. |
If one of the other callback methods (cancelled
, timedOut
, protocolError
, runtimeError
) are called, the authentication was not successful.
For details on how to proceed see our 3DS SDK docs (iOS, Android).
You must call the close
and cleanup
methods at the end of the 3D Secure authentication.
For details of these methods see our 3DS SDK docs (iOS, Android).
If the transaction status received by the completed
callback method was Y
, your back-end must send a Result Request
to obtain the Authentication Value. The Authentication Value is used to authorise the transaction with your payment gateway.
If you are interested in why a challenge was unsuccessful, your back-end can still call the Result Request endpoint to receive the transStatusReason
An example Result Request is shown below:
Authorization: token ...
Content-Type: application/json
"threeDSServerTransID": "bfc44ca7-0373-423e-8f55-e57e6523a149"
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Result Request.
If the authentication was successful, the response will contain the Authentication Value.
An example successful Result Response is shown below:
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1600081748,
"cardScheme": "Visa",
"data": {
"threeDSServerTransID": "bfc44ca7-0373-423e-8f55-e57e6523a149",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"transStatus": "Y",
"eci": "05",
"authenticationValue": "dGVzdHltY3Rlc3QsaGV5dGhlcmUK"
See our 3D Secure API reference for full details of the Result Response.
The Result Response transStatus
field describes the next action you need to take.
Transaction Status | Description | Next Action |
Y |
Authentication Successful | Continue to authorisation using the authenticationValue from the Result Response. |
A |
Authentication Attempted | The cardholder was not authenticated, but proof of the authentication being attempted has been provided. Continue to authorisation using the authenticationValue from the Result Response. |
N |
Authentication Failed | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. Only proceed to authorisation if authentication is not required, and this is within your risk appetite. |
U |
Authentication Unavailable | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. Only proceed to authorisation if authentication is not required, and this is within your risk appetite. |
R |
Authentication Rejected | See the transStatusReason field for more detail. The issuer rejected the authentication attempt and requests that authorisation is not attempted. |
For all transStatus
values, see the transStatusReason
field for more detail.
Test your 3DS integration with our test cards
Integrate 3D Secure into your website
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