3DS 2.1 Deprecation Notice
EMVCo and the card schemes will shortly be sunsetting 3D Secure version 2.1.
Please contact Ravelin if you have any questions in advance of this change.


Field Status Definitions
Required Required fields must be sent. If the data is not sent Ravelin will return an error.
Important Important fields are crucial for performance.
Optional Optional fields are additional data points that can be shared with the card schemes, issuers, and Ravelin. These fields may impact performance or dashboard usability.
Conditional Fields that may be required under certain conditions.

POST pci.ravelin.com/3ds/version

Returns the 3DS versions which the customer’s card and issuer support.

Version Request

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transactionId string

The unique identifier for the transaction used on the Checkout endpoint. Required if you want to associate the 3D Secure authentication with the transaction.

Example: "123-abc-XYZ"
pan string

The Primary Account Number (PAN) of the card being used for the transaction. If EMV Tokenisation is supported, this may be an EMV Payment Token instead of a PAN.

This field is cardholder data. Submission of this field requires PCI DSS SAQ-D certification.

Please see our PCI DSS documentation for more information.

Example: "4900000000001234"

Either pan or paymentMethod must be provided.

paymentMethod object

The card being used for the transaction, encrypted using the Ravelin card encryption SDK.

See Submission of Encrypted Card Details for more information.


Either paymentMethod or pan must be provided.

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cardCiphertext string

The card ciphertext produced by the Ravelin card encryption SDK.

This field constitutes cardholder data. Submission of this field requires PCI DSS SAQ-A or SAQ-AEP certification.

Please see our PCI DSS documentation for more information.

aesKeyCiphertext string

The AES key ciphertext produced by the Ravelin card encryption SDK .

Minimum length: 1
algorithm string

The algorithm used to generate the ciphertexts.

Example: "RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM"
Minimum length: 1
ravelinSDKVersion string

The version of the Ravelin mobile or JavaScript SDK that performed the encryption.

Example: "0.0.13-ravelinjs"
keyIndex integer

The index of the public RSA key used to encrypt the card.

keySignature string

An identifier for the public RSA key used to encrypt the card.

Version Response

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timestamp integer

A Unix timestamp indicating when we finished handling the request.

status integer

The HTTP response status code.

cardScheme string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The card scheme which the card uses.

Example: "Visa"
data object

The Version Response details.

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transactionId string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The unique identifier for tracking the transaction throughout Ravelin.

Example: "123-abc-XYZ"
threeDSServerTransID string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The unique identifier (UUID) for tracking the transaction throughout the 3DS process.

Example: "c5584543-b67e-5117-bb34-3567ac6a1123"
threeDSMethodURL string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The Method URL for sending the Method Request.

Example: "https://www.example-acs.com/method-url"
versionRecommendation string
2.1.0 2.2.0

Ravelin's version recommendation - the highest available 3DS protocol version up to 2.2.0.

Example: "2.2.0"
availableVersions array
2.1.0 2.2.0

The 3DS protocol versions which are available to use.

acsStartProtocolVersion string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The earliest 3DS 2 protocol version that is supported by the ACS.

Example: "2.1.0"
acsEndProtocolVersion string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The most recent 3DS 2 protocol version that is supported by the ACS.

Example: "2.2.0"
dsStartProtocolVersion string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The earliest 3DS 2 protocol version that is supported by the directory server.

Example: "2.1.0"
dsEndProtocolVersion string
2.1.0 2.2.0

The most recent 3DS 2 protocol version that is supported by the directory server.

Example: "2.2.0"
acsInfoInd array

ACS Information Indicator - provides information about the ACS. The element lists all applicable values for the card range.

01 3DS authentication is available at the ACS
02 Attempts supported by the ACS or the DS
03 Decoupled authentication supported
04 Whitelisting supported
80 American Express

Card range issued in EU/EEA. Subject to PSD2.

80 Mastercard

Enrolled in Smart Authentication Stand-In Service

81 Mastercard

Enrolled in Smart Authentication Direct

84 Mastercard

Supports payment authentications

85 Mastercard

Supports non-payment authentications

86 Mastercard

Supports the app device channel

87 Mastercard

Supports the browser device channel

88 Mastercard

Supports challenges using the app device channel

89 Mastercard

Supports challenges using the browser device channel

90 Mastercard

Enrolled in Identity Check Express

91 Mastercard

Supports Authentication Express Merchant Delegation for Identity Check Express (Type I)

92 Mastercard

Supports Authentication Express Low Fraud Merchant (Type II)

93 Mastercard

Supports Authentication Express Wallet Delegation

94 Mastercard

Supports Authentication Express Device Delegation
