Alongside your payment fraud integration, there are two extra things to consider for transaction optimisation:
Requesting recommendations
Make sure you send us important transaction and payment method details. We will return a recommendation to
authenticate or authorise with or without an exemption or 3DS challenge preference where applicable.
Update us with authentication and authorisation attempts
Make sure you update us at the end of the transaction about these attempts.
A transaction optimisation recommendation can be requested by sending a request to the
Checkout Endpoint and adding the
query parameter to the end of the request’s URL.
This must be used in addition to the score
query parameter for specifying a Checkpoint.
For example: /v2/checkout?score=checkoutPreAuth&transactionOptimisation=true
This request must be sent before starting authentication or authorisation.
These are the important fields to send in the recommendation request:
Important Fields | How the field is used |
transaction.amount | We make use of the transaction amount (converted to Euros) to determine if low value exemptions are available and also to match against any breached Reference Fraud Rates. |
transaction.currency | We use this to help determine the transaction amount in Euros. |
transaction.gateway transaction.acquirerId | We use the gateway and acquirer ID to match against any breached Reference Fraud Rates. |
transaction.acquirerCountryCode | We use this to match against any country-specific Reference Fraud Rates. We also use it to determine if the transaction is One-Leg-Out. |
paymentMethod.cardBin | We use this in several different ways:
transaction.transactionId transaction.paymentMethodId customerId | We use these to ensure that we can track the transaction throughout the scoring flow. |
transaction.type paymentMethod.methodType | We use these to understand whether optimisation is possible for the transaction. |
transaction.mcc transaction.acquirerBin paymentMethod.expiryYear paymentMethod.expiryMonth paymentMethod.instrumentId | We use these data points within our model to optimise our recommendations. |
We only provide transaction optimisation routing recommendations if the paymentMethod.methodType is set to card
. This is because other transaction types may be out of PSD2 scope, have Strong Customer Authentication built in already (e.g. Apple Pay), or do not support 3D Secure. Our recommendations are based around 3DS used as the mechanism to support SCA.
We will return a recommendation to either perform authentication or proceed directly to authorisation. A Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) exemption and 3DS challenge preference will be returned if applicable. The response will be appended to the payment fraud recommendation, with optimised recommendations being provided only to transactions that we believe are low risk.
Our recommendations will be driven by different sources:
See the Checkout Endpoint Response API Reference for the format of the response.
The recommendation will be in the data.transactionOptimisation
field. It is important that you
handle the following fields in your integration:
More specific guidance on how to handle different recommendations is given in the next section.
The table below explains what our recommendations may be and how to handle them.
Recommendation | Recommendation Handling |
AUTHENTICATE with TRANSACTION_RISK_ANALYSIS and NO_CHALLENGE_REQUESTED | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are requesting a TRA (low risk)
exemption and specifying that no challenge is requested. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 05 (No challenge requested - transactional risk analysis is already performed). |
AUTHENTICATE with LOW_VALUE and NO_CHALLENGE_REQUESTED | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are requesting a low value
exemption and specifying that no challenge is requested. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 10 (No challenge requested - use low value exemption). |
AUTHENTICATE with NO_PREFERENCE | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are specifying that you have
no challenge preference. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 01 (No preference). |
AUTHENTICATE with NO_CHALLENGE_REQUESTED | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are specifying that no challenge
is requested. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 02 (No challenge requested). |
AUTHENTICATE with CHALLENGE_REQUESTED | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are specifying that a challenge
is being requested. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 03 (Challenge requested as a 3DS Requestor preference). |
AUTHENTICATE with CHALLENGE_REQUESTED_AS_MANDATE | Send an authentication request to your 3DS provider. Make sure that you are specifying that a challenge
is required due to authentication compliance mandates. If you are able to specify which 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value to use, set this to 04 (Challenge requested as mandate, e.g. required for 3DS2 compliance). |
AUTHORISE with TRANSACTION_RISK_ANALYSIS | Send an authorisation request to your PSP. Make sure that you are flagging the TRA (low risk) exemption in the request. |
AUTHORISE with LOW_VALUE | Send an authorisation request to your PSP. Make sure that you are flagging the low value exemption in the request. |
AUTHORISE | Send an authorisation request to your PSP. |
It is important that we are aware of any restrictions that your payment services providers may have when accepting routing and exemption recommendations. Please let us know if any of the following applies so that we can provide you with the best possible recommendations:
when the transaction is One-Leg-Out.Several example recommendation responses are shown below.
Recommendation: Send to 3D Secure for authentication with challenge as mandate
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1738162660,
"data": {
"customerId": "134cc0c0-7bcc-480a-9363-622689121fd4",
"action": "ALLOW",
"score": 18,
"source": "RAVELIN",
"scoreId": "38ba2d2a-050e-480d-a386-be3834cc6a7f",
"transactionOptimisation": {
"action": "AUTHENTICATE",
"actionSource": "COMPLIANCE",
"threeDSChallengePreference": "CHALLENGE_REQUESTED_AS_MANDATE",
"compliance": {
"type": "PSD2",
"optimisable": false,
"description": "must authenticate transactions with value 500 EUR or greater"
Recommendation: Send to 3D Secure for authentication with TRA (low risk) exemption and no challenge requested
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1738162660,
"data": {
"customerId": "134cc0c0-7bcc-480a-9363-622689121fd4",
"action": "ALLOW",
"score": 18,
"source": "RAVELIN",
"scoreId": "b8f9df31-4d90-4406-8ab9-892ed4f1d690",
"transactionOptimisation": {
"action": "AUTHENTICATE",
"actionSource": "ML",
"threeDSChallengePreference": "NO_CHALLENGE_REQUESTED",
"compliance": {
"type": "PSD2",
"optimisable": true,
"excludedRecommendations": [
"recommendation": {
"route": "AUTHENTICATE",
"exemption": "LOW_VALUE"
"description": "only available for transactions with value less than 30 EUR"
"recommendation": {
"route": "AUTHORISE",
"exemption": "LOW_VALUE"
"description": "only available for transactions with value less than 30 EUR"
Recommendation: Proceed to authorisation with low value exemption
"status": 200,
"timestamp": 1738162660,
"data": {
"customerId": "134cc0c0-7bcc-480a-9363-622689121fd4",
"action": "ALLOW",
"score": 18,
"source": "RAVELIN",
"scoreId": "f4a0ff67-99b4-40f6-9486-273319379d0c",
"transactionOptimisation": {
"action": "AUTHORISE",
"actionSource": "ML",
"exemption": "LOW_VALUE",
"compliance": {
"type": "PSD2",
"optimisable": true
Example where transaction optimisation is not supported
"status": 200,
"message": "no transaction optimisation recommendation due to payment fraud action type",
"timestamp": 17381626600,
"data": {
"customerId": "134cc0c0-7bcc-480a-9363-622689121fd4",
"action": "REVIEW",
"score": 54,
"source": "RAVELIN",
"scoreId": "6849a141-89c9-4f18-a07a-40dd928f8dbf"
Once a transaction has finished processing, you should update Ravelin with the outcome.
Send a request to our Checkout Endpoint and provide all the details of any authentication and authorisation attempts.
These are important fields that must be included in the transaction around the authentication:
Important Fields | How the field is used |
transaction.transactionId | We use the transactionId to associate the update back to the original transaction. |
transaction.3ds.attempted transaction.3ds.challenged transaction.3ds.success | We use these fields to determine the transaction outcome as well as the performance of our recommendations and whether our recommendations were honoured by the client and issuer. |
transaction.3ds.version transaction.3ds.eci | We use these fields for analysis and for more detailed segmentation in our analytics. |
These are important fields that must be included in the transaction around the authorisation:
Important Fields | How the field is used |
transaction.transactionId | We use the transactionId to associate the update back to the original transaction. |
transaction.success transaction.softDecline transaction.declineCode | We use these fields to determine the transaction outcome as well as the performance of our recommendations and whether our recommendations were honoured by the client and issuer. |
We provide transaction optimisation recommendations on what is considered low risk payment fraud traffic. We will therefore only provide optimised routing recommendations when we return an Allow for payment fraud.
We recommend the following actions for our recommendations in markets where authentication mandates exist:
Recommendation | Recommendation handling |
Payment Fraud ALLOW | This transaction carries a low payment fraud risk and may be optimisable. Follow the transaction optimisation recommendation provided. |
Payment Fraud REVIEW | This transaction carries a medium payment fraud risk. Send to authentication with a 3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator value of 01 (no preference). Using this value will help to avoid friction and gain liability shift where possible. |
Payment Fraud PREVENT | This transaction carries a high payment fraud risk. Stop processing. |
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