Transaction Optimisation

  • Overview

    Ravelin's transaction optimisation API recommend merchants to either send a customer to authentication or proceed directly to authorisation and which SCA exemption to use, with the aim of maximising the transaction's chance of acceptance with the least friction.

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  • Transaction Routing Diagram

    The flow diagram below shows all the possible routes a transaction could take during the payment flow, and the messages sent between you, Ravelin and your PSP. Next steps Learn how to request a transaction optimisation recommendation

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  • Requesting Recommendations

    There are two steps to integrate with transaction optimisation: Request a recommendation Send us details of a transaction. We will return a recommendation to either perform authentication or authorisation. Update us with authentication and authorisation attempts This could be after each attempt or at the end of the transaction. Request Recommendations A transaction optimisation recommendation can be requested by sending a request to the Checkout Endpoint. Add the transactionOptimisation=true query parameter to the end of the request’s URL.

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  • Testing Your Integration

    You can test your transaction optimisation integration either by: Sending a request with the paymentMethod.cardBin field set to a special test value. Sending a request with the field set to a special test value. These requests will always produce the same corresponding recommendation. You can then ensure your system handles the response accordingly. The test card BINs and email addresses are shown in the table below: Field Name Field Value Recommendation Example Response Card BIN "

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  • Error Handling

    Our platform has been designed to be resilient to failure. However, in the unlikely event of an error we will attempt to continue to process your request as completely as possible. When requesting a transaction optimisation recommendation you also have to request a fraud recommendation, which means errors could occur in the different parts of our platform. If an error occurs when generating a transaction optimisation recommendation, but not during fraud scoring, we will still return the fraud score along with the message: “Could not generate transaction optimisation recommendation”.

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