Payment Fraud Integration

Testing Your Integration

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As with all software, it’s important to get it working, and then keep it working. Ravelin has multiple features to aid you in testing your integration. To ensure safe usage, the below features are only enabled for sandbox accounts.

Forcing a specific action

You should ensure that you are listening to the action that Ravelin returns, and handling it appropriately.

By default, a Payment Fraud action can be forced by using a customer email with the following email domains:

  • → ALLOW
  • → REVIEW

These values will only work in your sandbox account.

Simulating slow networks

While it’s uncommon, even the most reliable networks can experience occasional delays. Your system should be resilient and maintain performance standards even during these rare instances of slow responses.

We recommend you test your system’s behaviour in response to abnormal increases in latency, whether it be from network problems or from Ravelin’s systems.

We provide a request header to help you test this. To force requests to take at least a specified duration, add the Ravelin-Min-Latency header to the request, with a specified delay in milliseconds.

This is only supported in your sandbox account.

For example, for a 1-second delay:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: token sk_live_your_secret_key" \
    -H "Ravelin-Min-Latency: 1000" \
    -X POST

Test accounts and networks

If you run tests against your live infrastructure, and these send fraud data to Ravelin, then it’s very easy to run into trouble with fraud networks.

Here are some things to consider to avoid this.

  • If possible, don’t send test data to Ravelin.
  • Never sign in to a test account with a personal device.
  • Never use real phone numbers or email addresses in test data.
  • Please use account names that are easily identified as test accounts. If something does go wrong it will be much easier for us to unpick it for you if we can identify which data is test data.
  • If possible tag test accounts as “QA” in the Ravelin dashboard.

Next steps

Ensure you’re handling errors correctly

Get ready to go live with payment fraud recommendations
