
On this page:

This page explains what checkpoints are and how to use them.

What are checkpoints?

A checkpoint is a key event within a customer’s journey where you can request a recommendation from Ravelin. The checkpoints you want to use within your integration will likely depend on the kind of behaviour you are trying to address and where you would like to intervene in the customer journey.

For example, to stop payment fraud you might want to request a recommendation when a customer registers a new payment method or at checkout. If you want to counter account takeover, you might want to request a recommendation at login and checkout.

As part of your integration, we will work with you to best understand which checkpoints you should be using, when you should be using them, and what you should do with recommendations at that point in the customer journey.

Using checkpoints

To request a recommendation at a checkpoint, add the score query parameter to the request URL with the corresponding query parameter value

For example, to request a recommendation at the Login Checkpoint, the URL should be: /v3/login?score=login.

If you do not specify a checkpoint we will not return a recommendation. We will still process the request, and it will still be available to view in the Ravelin dashboard.

We will return all relevant recommendations for the checkpoint. For example, for the Checkout Pre-Auth Checkpoint we will return both a payment fraud recommendation and an account takeover recommendation.

We support the following checkpoints:

Account Registration

The point at which a customer or supplier is trying to create an account.
Used by Account Registration, Payment Fraud and Refund Abuse.
Query parameter: score=accountRegistration


The point at which a customer is trying to log into your service.
Used by Account Takeover.
Query parameter: score=login

Payment Method Registration

The point at which a customer is adding a new payment method to their account.
Used by Payment Fraud.
Query parameter: score=paymentMethodRegistration

Checkout Pre-Auth

The point at which a customer is trying to place an order, but before you have performed authentication (3DS) or authorisation.
Used by Payment Fraud, Account Takeover and Refund Abuse.
Query parameter: score=checkoutPreAuth

Checkout Post-Auth

The point at which a customer is trying to place an order, after you have authorised the transaction.
Used by Payment Fraud and Account Takeover.
Query parameter: score=checkoutPostAuth

Refund Request

The point at which a customer is asking for a refund.
Used by Refund Abuse.
Query parameter: score=refundRequest

Using "score=true"

The legacy way of requesting payment fraud recommendations was to use the score=true query parameter, rather than specifying a checkpoint.

For example, to request a payment fraud recommendation, the URL would be: /v2/checkout?score=true.

This method of requesting a recommendation is still supported, however we encourage you to use checkpoints to ensure you are receiving the recommendation relevant to the specific stage of the customer journey.
