Pre-transaction (Deprecated)

This endpoint is deprecated. Send pre-transaction details in a Checkout Request.

Field Status Definitions
Required Required fields must be sent. If the data is not sent Ravelin will return an error.
Important Important fields are crucial for performance where that data is relevant for your business.
Optional Optional fields are additional data points that can be shared with Ravelin.
These fields are unlikely to impact performance but may be visible in the Ravelin dashboard.


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timestamp integer required

The time at which this data payload was valid. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. This is used to merge data that arrives out-of-order.

A Unix timestamp preferably as an integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC (nanoseconds are also accepted).

orderId string required

A unique identifier for this order.

transaction object required

A transaction is an attempt to charge a payment method to pay or be refunded for an order. You can think of it as the data included in your request from your application to a payment gateway. One order could have many transactions associated with it: e.g. pay part of balance with a card, pay part of balance with a voucher.

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customerId string required

The unique identifier of the customer. If your system allows guest checkouts then we recommend making this the customer's lower-cased email address.

eventType string optional

An eventType should identify what event in your system triggered this API call.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$
tempCustomerId string optional

Deprecated. Use customerId instead.

paymentMethodId string optional

A unique identifier for this payment method, specific to this customer. Two customers should not use the same paymentMethodId.

paymentMethod object optional

One of the following:

Card - A credit or debit card.

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Payment Method Cipher - An encrypted payment method, containing the full card details encrypted via a Ravelin SDK.

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Cash - The customer is paying in cash, or a cash-based payment method.

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Bank Account - Bank Accounts.

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PayPal - PayPal payments.

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Credit - This payment method type should be used for any payments made using credit that a customer has with the merchant.

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Invoice - This payment method should be used whenever the merchant provides credit to the customer.

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Wallet - A digital wallet payment method.

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From Transaction - Refer to the payment method used by a named transaction. For usage examples, see Saving payment methods after checkout and Associating refunds with payment methods.

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Direct Debit - Direct Debits. - deprecated.

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Bank Transfer - Bank Transfers. - deprecated.

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Other - Other supported payment methods. - deprecated.

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Removal: Used for marking a saved payment method as removed from the account.

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device object optional

The device used by the customer to trigger this update.

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deviceId string optional

The ID of the device used by the customer to trigger this update.

Authorization: token ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "timestamp": 1512828988826,
  "customerId": "abc-123-ZYZ",
  "orderId": "abcde12345-ZXY",
  "paymentMethod": {
    "methodType": "card",
    "paymentMethodId": "pm-abc123",
    "scheme": "visa",
    "instrumentId": "fp_abc123",
    "paymentAccountReference": "50019P9LBXOLHN9G7QMU5VN520YSY",
    "cardBin": "535522",
    "cardLastFour": "0001",
    "expiryMonth": 7,
    "expiryYear": 2020,
    "nameOnCard": "John Smith",
    "billingAddress": {
      "country": "GBR",
      "postalCode": "E1 1AA",
      "latitude": 51.503252,
      "longitude": -0.127899,
      "addresseeName": "John Smith",
      "street1": "123 fake st.",
      "street2": "floor 4, flat 48",
      "neighbourhood": "Hackney",
      "zone": "1",
      "city": "London",
      "region": "California",
      "poBoxNumber": "1234"
    "corporateCard": true,
    "virtualCard": true,
    "successfulRegistration": true,
    "registrationTime": 1512828988826,
    "lastVerified": 1512828988826,
    "compromised": true,
    "compromisedReason": "stolen",
    "eWallet": "applepay"
  "device": {
    "deviceId": "65fc5ac0-2ba3-4a3b-aa5e-f5a77b845260",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "language": "en-US",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36",
    "model": "Pixel XL",
    "os": "android",
    "type": "phone",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "location": {
      "country": "GBR",
      "postalCode": "E1 1AA",
      "latitude": 51.503252,
      "longitude": -0.127899,
      "addresseeName": "John Smith",
      "street1": "123 fake st.",
      "street2": "floor 4, flat 48",
      "neighbourhood": "Hackney",
      "zone": "1",
      "city": "London",
      "region": "California",
      "poBoxNumber": "1234"
  "transaction": {
    "transactionId": "123-abc-XYZ",
    "time": 1480340580291,
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "type": "auth_capture",
    "gateway": "braintree",
    "3ds": {
      "attempted": true,
      "challenged": true,
      "success": true,
      "startTime": 1479231064910,
      "endTime": 1479231064919,
      "timedOut": false,
      "version": "2.2.1",
      "liabilityShifted": true,
      "eci": "5",
      "transStatus": "Y",
      "transStatusReason": "01",
      "messageType": "ARes",
      "iReqCode": "55"
    "mcc": "0742",
    "mid": "mid-1",
    "acquirerId": "adyen",
    "acquirerBin": "123456",
    "acquirerCountryCode": "GBR"
