A unique identifier for this order. |
The time that the order was submitted by the customer. Used in reporting. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). |
The mobile or web app that this order was submitted on. Used for
segmenting business analytics and creating app-specific risk profiles. Show definition
The name or brand of the app, used to segment orders. Use the name
that customer sees when installing and using the app, or the
website title. Shouldn't repeat the platform or domain. | One of:
ios , android , web , or mobile-web . | The domain from the URL of the web app, using the characters a-z0-9-. . Pattern: ^[a-z0-9-\.]+$ |
The stage of order in the purchase and delivery flow. Used in reporting. |
Pending: The order is yet to be submitted for payment and processing, and you are yet to decide whether you will accept the order. Show definition
| The actor who caused the status change e.g. buyer, merchant. |
Accepted: The customer has submitted the order and you intend to fulfill it. This stage is useful if you provide the goods and services before taking payment. If you take payment immediately, you can consider the order fulfilled. Show definition
| The actor who accepted the order. |
Failed: Something went wrong, and the order can no longer be fulfilled. Show definition
| Description of why the order has failed. One of:
payment_declined , seller_rejected , or system_error . | The actor who caused the status change e.g. buyer, merchant. |
Cancelled: The order has been cancelled. Show definition
| Description of why the order has been cancelled. One of:
buyer , seller , merchant , ravelin , or other_fraud_tool . | The actor who caused the status change e.g. buyer, merchant. |
Fulfilled: The goods have been provided to the customer and payment has been successfully taken. Show definition
| The actor who caused the status change e.g. buyer, merchant. |
Refunded: The order has been refunded. Show definition
| A description of why the order has been refunded. One of:
returned , complaint , or ato . | The actor who caused the status change e.g. buyer, merchant. |
The total price for this order, including delivery and taxes, in the currency's basic units. This price should always equal the sum of each items', tickets', and rooms' price times quantity. |
The currency of the price for this order as an ISO 4217 currency code. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ |
The country the order should be attributed to for reporting and risk bucketing. Should reflect the country segmentation that you use for your reporting internally, whether that's by billing or shipping address, for example. An ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 or Alpha 2 country code. |
The country-group market the customer belongs to. E.g. 'southamerica', 'europe', 'emea'. Used for reporting and risk bucketing. Pattern: ^[0-9a-z-]*$ |
The city that the customer belongs to. Used for reporting and risk bucketing. Pattern: ^[0-9a-z-]*$ |
The highest level category that applies to this order as a whole, e.g.
the type of service provided. See item.category to describe
individual order items. |
The delivery or drop-off location of the order. For taxis, can be the
requested drop-off location to begin, and updated to the actual
drop-off location once known. Show definition
| The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
The pick-up location of the order. For taxis, can be the requested
pick-up location to begin, and updated to the actual pick-up location
once known. Show definition
| The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
The line items of the order, describing what the customer is
purchasing. Including, but not limited to, products, services,
journeys, tips, taxes, and delivery fees. Show definition
Number of copies of this item that are present in the basket (set to 0 to remove). | A merchant specific identifier for an item or a service. | The name of the product or service that is being purchased. | | | The name of the brand that the item is from. | The name of the Universal Item Code. | The highest level category that this item is sold in. | A category that this item is sold in. | The scheduled time for the service described by this item. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | If the item being purchased is a ticket for an event, associate the ticket and event information here. Show definition
| The ticket information for this event. Show definition
| A unique identifier for this ticket. | A short human-readable description of the type of ticket. | Timestamp at which this ticket is valid from. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Timestamp at which this ticket is valid until.
A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Whether this ticket is refundable or not. |
| The event the ticket is granting access to. This could be a access to an event, an attraction, or any other activity the customer is purchasing a ticket to attend. Show definition
| A unique identifier for this event. | The category that best described the type of event. One of:
adventure , attraction , conference , convention , culinary , business , family , festival , health , live show , music , party , social , sport , or other . | The location the event will take place. Show definition
| | | | The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
| | A short description of the event. | Timestamp at which event is scheduled to start. If the event is ongoing/recurring, you can use the ticket time here. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Timestamp at which event is scheduled to end. If the event is ongoing/recurring, you can use the ticket time here. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). |
| The individual who will be attending the event. Show definition
| The named guest's given name. | The named guest's family name. | The named guest's full name. | Whether this guest is the individual who is purchasing the tickets. |
| If the item being purchased is a ticket for travel, associate the journey information here. Show definition
| A unique identifier for the ticket. | A human-readable text description of what the ticket provides. | The person travelling with this ticket. Show definition
| | | | | | | The type of document the passenger is traveling under. One of:
passport , driverslicense , or id . | The number that identifies the document. | | The Unix timestamp that the document was issued. | The Unix timestamp that the document expires. | | The type of passenger this is. One of:
adult , child , infant , or senior . | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | gender
optionaldeprecated |
| The list of routes that this ticket grants the holder travel on. Show definition
| The direction of travel along this route, e.g. 'outward' or 'return'. | This is an optional unique id to tie routes together. For example, You can tie a outbound and return route together with this. This way you can have multiple return tickets in one order and routes can be logically grouped together. This must be GLOBALLY UNIQUE. | This is the list of travel legs taken by the passengers. It may contain any number of legs but must start at the first departure and end up at the final destination. Show definition
| The ID of the current leg. For flight tickets, flight number (e.g. 'BA101'). For bus tickets, bus number (e.g: 'A7'). | Departure port code for the current leg. For flights: the 3 letter IATA airport code. | The location of the departure port for the current leg. For flights: the location of the airport. Show definition
| | The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
| The name of the city of departure for the current leg. | The ISO 3166 country code (2- or 3-letter) for the departure country of the current leg. | The departure time for the current leg. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Arrival port code for the current leg. For flights: the 3 letter IATA airport code. | The location of the arrival port for the current leg. For flights: the location of the airport. Show definition
| | The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
| The name of the city of arrival for the current leg. | The ISO 3166 country code (2- or 3-letter) for the arrival country of the current leg. | The arrival time for the current leg. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | The name of the carrier/company conducting the current leg. | A publicly agreed code describing the carrier/company conducting the current leg. For Flights, this is the IATA 2 letter carrier code. | The type of transportation. One of:
plane , train , bus , or ship . | Whether there are seat reservations on this leg. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. |
| Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. |
| If the passenger purchased travel insurance. | The class of travel this ticket grants access to. One of:
business , economy , first , or standard . | The type of ticket this belongs to. This includes round trip, multi city, open return, etc. | The time that this ticket can be used until. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | The method in which a customer obtains their tickets. E-mail, pickup at station, physical mail, etc. | The identifier for a loyalty card used on this order. If no loyalty card is used just omit this field. | The identifier for a loyalty card used on this order. If no loyalty card is used just omit this field. |
| If the item being purchased represents accommodation being booked, associate the trip information here. Show definition
| Whether this booking is refundable or not. | Whether the payment is taken at the hotel during check-in. | The individual the booking is registered under (i.e the individual who will be checking in to the hotel). Either the current customer or another individual who the customer is booking the room on behalf of. Show definition
| The booked guest's family name. | The booked guest's given name. | The booked guest's full name. |
| Timestamp at which any free cancellation period ends (Unix time). Ignore if there is no free cancellation period. | Timestamp at which payment is due. Ignore if payment is taken immediately at booking. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Information on the hotel that the room is located in. Show definition
| | The location of the hotel. Show definition
| | The postal or zip code. If provided without latitude or longitude, Ravelin will perform coarse geolocation in some countries. | The latitude of the location. | The longitude of the location. | The name of the person that will accept delivery of goods to this address. | The street address of the location. | The street address of the location. | The neighbourhood of the location. | The zone of the location. | | The state/county of the location. | The PO box number related to the location. | Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. | The geohash of the location. |
| The star-rating awarded to this hotel. Use an 'offical' hotel classification value here, not a customer rating value. |
| Information on room being booked. Show definition
| | Timestamp at which guest check-in opens for the room. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Timestamp at which guest check-out closes for the room. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | Maximum number of adult guests the room can accommodate. |
| Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. |
Shipping details of the order. Show definition
Number of expected days until the order is dispatched to the customer. | One of:
HOME , BUSINESS , IN_STORE , COLLECTION_POINT , or OTHER . | Shipping company (e.g. DHL) or role of the supplier (e.g. seller) delivering the order. |
The type of account the customer used to place the order. If the customer has registered for an account,
but placed the order as a guest, use GUEST . If the customer has registered for an account and placed
the order while logged in, use REGISTERED . See also customer.accountType. One of: GUEST - The customer placed the order as a guest.REGISTERED - The customer placed the order while logged into their account.
Descriptive text relating to the contents or nature of the order being completed. |
Contact e-mail for this order. |
Contact phone number for this order. Best in E.164 format with an international dialing code. |
Suppliers (e.g. restaurants, couriers or drivers) involved in this order. Show definition
The unique identifier of this supplier. | One of:
driver , courier , restaurant , shop , seller , contentCreator , promoter , or other . | Show definition
| The order processing stage reached by this supplier. One of:
accepted , in-progress , fulfilled , or cancelled . | The time when the supplier's status changed. A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted). | The reason provided by the supplier for this status change. |
| | The value of a debt the supplier accrues to the platform as a result of this order, in
the currency's basic units. For example, a supplier may accrue a debt if they accept a
cash payment on behalf of the platform. The supplier's fee should not be deducted from the debt - e.g. if the supplier's fee is £2.50 and the customer pays the supplier £10 in cash, the debt should be
and the fee 250 .
| A voluntary tip paid by the customer to the supplier for the order, in
the currency's basic units. This is in addition to the supplier's fee. | |
Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture. |
The unique identifier of the seller/counterparty in the transaction,
if not your business. E.g. The restaurant, driver ID, etc. |
Deprecated in favour of items.executionTime . Execution or pick-up time of the order. |