This endpoint is deprecated. Send chargeback details in a Dispute Request.
Field Status Definitions
RequiredRequired fields must be sent. If the data is not sent Ravelin will return an error.
ImportantImportant fields are crucial for performance where that data is relevant for your business.
OptionalOptional fields are additional data points that can be shared with Ravelin. These fields are unlikely to impact performance but may be visible in the Ravelin dashboard.
A chargeback happens when a customer disputes a payment on their credit card
account. Communicate this event to Ravelin using the chargeback endpoint. This
is a mandatory component of all integrations. Our ability to predict fraud comes
from our understanding of previous examples of fraudulent behaviour.
Most PSPs will associate two IDs with every chargeback: a unique identifier for
the chargeback itself, and the identifier for the original transaction that is
being disputed. It is the latter that must be sent in the gatewayReference
field, and it should correspond to a previously sent transaction.
For PSPs that associate chargebacks via the Merchant transaction ID, such as
Computop, the transactionId can be specified in lieu of the gatewayReference.
If only the original order ID is known, Ravelin will guess that the first
successful auth, capture, or auth_capture transaction is the charge being
If no transaction with a matching orderId, gatewayReference or
transactionId is found, this chargeback is ignored.
The time at which this data payload was valid. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. This is used to merge data that arrives out-of-order.
A Unix timestamp preferably as an
integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
(nanoseconds are also accepted).
The PSP/gateway's reference for the transaction which was disputed.
Should match the gateway and reference fields supplied on the
transaction object. Not required if you supply transactionId.
A reference to the transaction being disputed. Should match the
transactionId supplied on the transaction object. Not required if you
supply a gatewayReference.
ACCEPTED: You have opted out of providing evidence against the chargeback or pre-arb.
DISPUTED: You have submitted evidence against the claim and are waiting for the decision from the bank.
LOST: The bank has not ruled in your favour, the funds will be returned to the cardholder, and you will pay a chargeback penalty.
WON: The bank has ruled in your favour, and you will keep the funds originally collected from the card.
EXPIRED: The date to submit evidence has passed and you have forfeited your right to dispute the case.
See notifications of fraud for sending TC-40s,
Ethoca Alerts and other early notifications.
Whether this chargeback was claimed for reasons other than fraud. If
this chargeback was not filed for reasons of fraud (e.g. goods not as
described) then be sure to set a reason. (See non-fraudulent chargebacks.)
Custom data that is relevant to your domain. This can be any json object.
Please include any details that you think are relevant to fraud that our
schema does not capture.
The ID of the order the chargeback originated from. When provided
instead of gatewayReference and transactionId, Ravelin will set the
gatewayReference and transactionId to that of the first successful
transaction of the order.