
Field Status Definitions
Required Required fields must be sent. If the data is not sent Ravelin will return an error.
Important Important fields are crucial for performance where that data is relevant for your business.
Optional Optional fields are additional data points that can be shared with Ravelin.
These fields are unlikely to impact performance but may be visible in the Ravelin dashboard.

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timestamp integer required

The time at which this data payload was valid. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. This is used to merge data that arrives out-of-order.

A Unix timestamp preferably as an integer count of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC (nanoseconds are also accepted).

eventType string optional

An eventType describes from where an API call is being made.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$
customerId string optional

The ID of the customer you want to link to in the graph. Mutually exclusive with customer.

customer object optional

The customer you want to link to in the graph. Mutually exclusive with customerId.

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paymentMethods array optional

Payment methods you want to associate the customer with.

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Identifications are used by online customers to verify their real-world identity. These forms of identification can be authenticated with government authorities or authorised third-parties to confirm the credentials are legitimate. Extra steps should be taken to confirm the customer is the legitimate holder of these credentials.

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vehicles array optional

Vehicles the customer owns or has taken out insurance policies with, for example.

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deviceId string optional

The ID of the device to which you want to link the customer. Mutually exclusive with device.

device object optional

The device to which you want to link the customer. Mutually exclusive with deviceId.

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chargeback object optional

The chargeback to which you want to link the customer.

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dispute object optional

The dispute to which you want to link the customer.

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review object optional

The manual review you would like to apply to the customer, stating whether your analyst believes them to be fraudulent or genuine.

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customNode object optional

A custom entity you would like to use as a node to link customers in the graph.

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customNodes array optional

Custom entities you would like to use as nodes to link customers in the graph.

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Authorization: token ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "timestamp": 1512828988826,
  "customer": {
    "customerId": "abc-123-ZYZ",
    "registrationTime": 1479302798,
    "familyName": "Smith",
    "givenName": "John",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "email": "",
    "emailVerifiedTime": 1479302798,
    "telephone": "+16045555555",
    "telephoneVerifiedTime": 1479302798,
    "telephoneCountry": "GBR",
    "tags": {
      "foo": true,
      "bar": false
    "country": "GBR"
  "paymentMethods": [
      "card": {
        "paymentMethodId": "123-abc-XYZ",
        "nickName": "joescard",
        "lastVerified": 1480340580,
        "banned": false,
        "active": true,
        "registrationTime": 1480340580,
        "instrumentId": "123-abc-XYZ",
        "cardBin": "123456",
        "cardLastFour": "1234",
        "cardType": "visa",
        "expiryMonth": 4,
        "expiryYear": 2020,
        "nameOnCard": "John Smith",
        "successfulRegistration": true,
        "issuer": "barclaycard",
        "countryIssued": "GBR",
        "prepaidCard": false,
        "billingAddress": {
          "latitude": 51.503252,
          "longitude": -0.127899,
          "geohash": "gcpuvp",
          "street1": "123 fake st.",
          "street2": "floor 4, flat 48",
          "neighbourhood": "Hackney",
          "zone": "1",
          "city": "London",
          "region": "California",
          "country": "GBR",
          "poBoxNumber": "1234",
          "postalCode": "E1 1AA"
        "billingFamilyName": "Smith",
        "billingGivenName": "John",
        "corporateCard": true,
        "virtualCard": true
  "nationalIdentifications": [
      "driversLicense": {
        "idNumber": "10261985",
        "jurisdictionCountry": "USA",
        "jurisdictionState": "CA",
        "name": "Marty McFly"
  "vehicles": [
      "plate": "OUTATIME",
      "jurisdictionCountry": "USA",
      "jurisdictionState": "CA",
      "make": "DeLorean Motor Company",
      "model": "DeLorean",
      "year": 1983,
      "vin": "2GTEK13M081122443"
  "device": {
    "deviceId": "abc-123-ZYZ",
    "type": "phone",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "Pixel XL",
    "os": "android",
    "browser": "Chrome 42",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36"
  "chargeback": {
    "chargebackId": "abc-123-XYZ",
    "gateway": "Stripe",
    "gatewayReference": "abc-123-XYZ",
    "reason": "FRAUD",
    "status": "LOST",
    "amount": 15212,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "disputeTime": 1479302798,
    "liabilityShifted": true,
    "nonFraud": false
  "review": {
    "label": "FRAUDSTER",
    "comment": "Definitely a fraudster.",
    "reviewer": {
      "name": "",
      "email": "Tom"
  "customNodes": [
      "nodeType": "group",
      "nodeId": "group-abc-123-ZYZ",
      "nodeName": "Group abc-123-ZYZ"


Note: If the maximum node visit limit is reached while searching the graph, the maxNodesHit field will be set to true and all the *Count fields (customerCount, cardCount, etc.) will be set to 5000.

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status integer

The HTTP response status code.

(Only present if features were not requested with the features query parameter.)

success string

Indicates whether the request was successful (HTTP 200 OK).

(Only present if features were not requested with the features query parameter.)

timestamp integer

A Unix timestamp indicating when we finished handling the request.

clientID string

The unique identifier for your Ravelin client account.

customerID string

Unique identifier for the customer.

count integer

The total number of nodes visited while searching the graph. Equal to the sum of all count fields.

Number of customer nodes visited while searching the graph.

cardCount integer

Number card payment method nodes visited while searching the graph.

Number of dispute nodes visited while searching the graph.

Number of nodes for customers reviewed as 'fraudster' visited while searching the graph.

Number of nodes for customers reviewed as 'genuine' visited while searching the graph.

emailCount integer

Number of email address nodes visited while searching the graph.

phoneCount integer

Number of phone number nodes visited while searching the graph.

deviceCount integer

Number of device nodes visited while searching the graph.

vehicleCount integer

Number of vehicle nodes visited while searching the graph.

Number of national identification document nodes visited while searching the graph.

Number of custom node 1 nodes visited while searching the graph.

We will inform you which custom node type this represents when we configue custom nodes for your account.

Number of custom node 2 nodes visited while searching the graph.

We will inform you which custom node type this represents when we configue custom nodes for your account.

Number of custom node 3 nodes visited while searching the graph.

We will inform you which custom node type this represents when we configue custom nodes for your account.

Number of custom node 4 nodes visited while searching the graph.

We will inform you which custom node type this represents when we configue custom nodes for your account.

Number of custom node 5 nodes visited while searching the graph.

We will inform you which custom node type this represents when we configue custom nodes for your account.

Number of supplier nodes visited while searching the graph.

hopsToFraud integer

Minimum number of connections (edges) between the parent node and nearest known fraudster.

Fraudsters are identified as either customers who have been reviewed as fraudsters, or customers who have an unforgiven dispute.

A value of -1 indicates that no fraudster was found in the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any customer node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all customer nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any customer node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any card node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all card nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any card node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any email address node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all email address nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any email address node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any phone number node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all phone number nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any phone number node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any device node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all device nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any device node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any national identification document node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all national identification document nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any identification document node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any vehicle node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all vehicle nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any vehicle node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any vehicle identification number (VIN) node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all vehicle identification number (VIN) nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any vehicle identification number (VIN) node found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any custom node type 1 found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all custom nodes type 1 found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any custom node type 1 found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any custom node type 2 found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all custom nodes type 2 found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any custom node type 2 found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any custom node type 3 found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all custom nodes type 3 found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any custom node type 3 found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any custom node type 4 found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all custom nodes type 4 found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any custom node type 4 found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any custom node type 5 found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across all custom nodes type 5 found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any custom node type 5 found while searching the graph.

Minimum number of connections for any supplier node found while searching the graph.

Average number of connections across supplier nodes found while searching the graph.

Maximum number of connections for any supplier node found while searching the graph.

maxNodesHit boolean

Indicates if the maximum node visit limit of 5000 visited nodes was reached during graph traversal. When true, all *Count fields (customerCount, cardCount, etc.) will be set to 5000 and the count field will be a multiple of 5000.

Indicates if the maximum graph traversal depth was reached before fraud was found. The maximum depth is specified by the depth query parameter in the request. The default maximum depth is 20.

maxDegreeHit boolean

Indicates if the maximum allowed node degree was encountered. The maximum allowed node degree is 5000, we will not search through nodes connected to over 5000 other nodes. The search will continue, but will ignore nodes connected to more than 5000 other nodes.

Indicates if any automatic exclusion rules were triggered.

The following rules are applied:

Average age of edges found up to depth 6 (6 hops from the parent node), in seconds.

Rate of new edge creation calculated on edges up to depth 6 (6 hops from the parent node), in edges per hour.

The number of edges found up to depth 6 (6 hops from the parent node).

Average age of edges found up to depth 2 (2 hops from the parent node), in seconds.

Rate of new edge creation around the parent node, calculated on edges up to depth 2 (2 hops from the parent node), in edges per hour.

Number of edges found up to depth 2 (2 hops from the parent node).

meanDegree number

Average number of connections across all nodes visited while searching the graph.

tags array

List of tags with their respective depths in the graph.

Show definition
  "timestamp": 1512828988826,
  "clientID": "client123",
  "customerID": "abc-123-ZYZ",
  "count": 20,
  "chargebackCount": 0,
  "reviewedFraudsterCount": 0,
  "reviewedGenuineCount": 0,
  "customerCount": 14,
  "cardCount": 0,
  "emailCount": 3,
  "phoneCount": 1,
  "deviceCount": 0,
  "vehicleCount": 2,
  "identificationCount": 1,
  "customNode1Count": 1,
  "supplierCount": 1,
  "hopsToFraud": -1,
  "customerDegreeMin": 2,
  "customerDegreeMean": 2.2142857142857144,
  "customerDegreeMax": 3,
  "cardDegreeMin": 0,
  "cardDegreeMean": 0,
  "cardDegreeMax": 0,
  "emailDegreeMin": 12,
  "emailDegreeMean": 53.666666666666664,
  "emailDegreeMax": 115,
  "phoneDegreeMin": 4,
  "phoneDegreeMean": 4,
  "phoneDegreeMax": 4,
  "deviceDegreeMin": 0,
  "deviceDegreeMean": 0,
  "deviceDegreeMax": 0,
  "vehicleDegreeMin": 12,
  "vehicleDegreeMean": 50,
  "vehicleDegreeMax": 88,
  "customNode1DegreeMin": 1,
  "customNode1DegreeMean": 1,
  "customNode1DegreeMax": 1,
  "maxDepthReached": true,
  "edgeGeneralMeanAge": 58649687.38709678,
  "edgeGeneralGrowthRate": 0.0011340132677723277,
  "edgeGeneralCount": 31,
  "edgeLocalMeanAge": 54742302.71428572,
  "edgeLocalGrowthRate": 0.0010242700483104894,
  "edgeLocalCount": 28,
  "meanDegree": 14.8,
  "tags": [
      "tagName": "high_risk",
      "depth": 2
